What we Do
Delivering a high quality bus network for the region is one of the cornerstones of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Devolution Deal and we are committed to achieving this goal.
We actively work with our local bus service partners to deliver strategic network improvements and have commissioned a local Bus Reform Taskforce to consider the varied options available for reform.
Bus Reform
The Bus Services Act was enacted on 27 April 2017 and its powers commence on 27 June 2017.
The Bus Services Act 2017 provides the Authority with powers to reform the bus market and these provisions provide for new types of partnership schemes and the option to franchise bus services.
Find out more about Bus Reform
Demand Responsive Transport
Demand Responsive Transport, sometimes known as ‘DRT’, is a mode of shared transport for passengers travelling where vehicles, such as buses, alter their routes based on transport demand rather than using a fixed route or timetable.
The Combined Authority has committed to delivering demand responsive transport in the form of a new ‘Uber’ style bus service, which will be trialled initially over a six-month period in West Huntingdonshire.
Read more about the Combined Authority’s DRT trial
ZEBRA Scheme Application
On 21 May 2021 the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, following consultation with partners to include Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP), submitted an expression of interest (EOI) to DfT for funding from the ZEBRA (Zero Emission Bus Regional Application) fund.
The Combined Authority was one of six successful bidders (out of 11) that submitted an Expression of Interest on the Fast Track process, and was invited to prepare a Final Business Case to be considered for funding.
Read the Combined Authority ZEBRA Scheme Final Business Case
Read the Combined Authority ZEBRA Scheme Expression of Interest
Bus Support
Local bus services suffered a critical blow during Covid-19 lockdown. The Combined Authority is proud to have been able to help by maintain these crucial services at a very difficult time.
We have been financially supporting a large number of local bus services, using the Covid-19 Bus Service Support Grant, since March 2020.