Sometimes we need to use a subsidiary company to deliver a large, complex project in a cost-effective and time-efficient way. Find out more about our subsidiary companies here.
Angle Holdings Limited
Angle Developments (East) Limited
Angle Developments (East) Limited is a housing development company incorporated in September 2019, and is wholly owned by the Combined Authority.
By establishing a development company housing delivery action can be taken quickly when specific opportunities to engage in housing delivery are identified and reported through direct intervention in the market.
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Growth Company
Incorporated in August 2020 the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Business Growth Company consists of three major services:
The Business Growth Service
- targeting places and firms that will have the most impact on our goal to shift to a more inclusive growth dynamic across sub-economies
The Inward Investment Service
- for a new all-economy Foreign Direct Investment and capital investment promotion service for the promotion of employment space and employment property development opportunities to investors and companies rom the UK and overseas
The Skills Service
- a digital and physical service connecting business with skills providers and talent. This includes targeted support to double the number of apprenticeships over five years.