On 3 March 2017, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority was established as a Mayoral Combined Authority for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area.
The mission of the Combined Authority is to make life better, healthier, and fairer for all.
The Combined Authority works with our local councils, the Business Board (Local Enterprise Partnership), local public services, Government departments and agencies, universities and businesses to grow the local and national economy.
It is made up of a directly elected Mayor and the following seven local authorities (referred to as the Constituent Councils) and the Business Board (Local Enterprise Partnership):
Find out more about the Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, the Committees of the Combined Authority and the Business Board.
Do you want to use your skills to drive a prosperous and sustainable Cambridgeshire and Peterborough? We do too.
The Business Board works with businesses, education, and local authority partners to drive economic growth, secure inward investment and protect and create jobs...
Each of the Combined Authority areas of responsibility has a Lead Member, who has a strategic role in leading the development...
The Combined Authority’s Corporate Management Team oversee and drive the delivery of the projects that make a difference to you.
The Combined Authority is held to account by several committees made up of representatives from partner local authorities. Find out more...
As of May 8 2021, the Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough is Dr Nik Johnson. The Mayor’s role is to make...
The Combined Authority Board is chaired by the elected Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The purpose of the Board is to...
The Combined Authority works closely with our constituent councils and the Business Board. In this section you can find out what...
We pride ourselves on being a great place to work, where people can thrive as individuals and as part of a...
Read the latest news about the Combined Authority's committees, job vacancies and partners.
Growing Cambridge construction firm highlights power of apprenticeship…
Combined Authority deepens strategic ties with Homes England to accele…
Team Cambridgeshire and Peterborough champions UK economic growth at t…
Mayor Dr Nik Johnson statement on Chancellor’s kickstarting the econ…