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Officer Decision Notices and Mayoral Decision Notices

Here you can find all the officer decision notices and mayoral decision notices taken by the Combined Authority.

What are Officer Decision Notices and Mayoral Decision Notices?

You can find all Officer and Mayoral Decision Notices from 2022 onwards here.

Officer Decision Notices

Technically all decisions made within the Combined Authority are made by the Combined Authority Board and our Committees. But this isn’t always practical, so certain types of decisions are delegated to officers.

You can read more about how decisions are delegated in Chapter 17 of our Constitution.


Mayoral Decision Notices  

The Mayor is able to make decisions on behalf of the Combined Authority in line with Mayoral Powers set out within the Combined Authority Constitution. Please see Chapter 3 of our Constitution for further details.


For transparency, decisions made by the Mayor and officers in this way are published on our website so anyone who wishes to can see them. Our Overview and Scrutiny Committee can also ‘call in’ a decision of this kind to scrutinise it further.

Officer Decision Notices

View the officer decision notices for each year of the Combined Authority.







Mayoral Decision Notices

View the mayoral decision notices for the Combined Authority.