Have Your say
Have your say in our consultation on the draft Medium Term Financial Plan, setting out how the Combined Authority will spend its money over the next five years. Visit our consultation website here.
What is Public Engagement?
Public engagement means listening and involving the public, businesses, partners, community & voluntary sector groups and other key groups across our region to help inform and shape our work.
Why is Public Engagement Important?
Our projects are about you. The projects we deliver are intrinsic to the way we live, work and learn in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. From housing to public transport, business and jobs growth to adult education, the work we do is embedded into everyone’s day to day lives.
Get involved so you can see the difference we are making to you and how we’re doing it.
We also want to hear from you about the projects we’re working on.
What does public engagement look like?
Ways to engage
- This website: find out about what we are doing that impacts on you and how we deliver it
- Public meetings: come and join us and see for yourself the decisions that are being taken by your democratically elected representatives
- Public questions: ask a question to Combined Authority Board about the issues that matter to you
- Statutory consultations: feed back on a project at specific stages in its development
- Non-statutory public engagement events: find out about a project’s progress and let us know what you think
- Social media: follow us on social media for the most up to date information.
- E Newsletters: sign up to our newsletters and we will send you up to date information straight to your in box.
- Workshops: come to our workshops so we can get direct feedback from you.