Proposals for green energy innovation centre at ARU Peterborough presented

Still time for agri-food tech businesses to apply for growth-boosting

Combined Authority scoops high Government rating for ‘strong local leadership’

Combined Authority pledges £1.1m to help sustainable meanwhile project in

Combined Authority provides £1m funding to Natural Cambridgeshire to build

£79.6m scheme to improve lives and reduce carbon emission across

Low Carbon Innovation Fund makes another investment in Cambridgeshire Business

Bold, pioneering conceptual designs showcase potential for CAM innovation and

Alternative Vehicle Fuel Strategy given the green light

Mayor Blog overview of the year 2020

AgriGrub’s sustainable solution to food waste backed by the Cambridgeshire

Combined Authority invest £710,000 to support the recovery of Cambridge

Combined Authority progress report reaffirms commitment to economic recovery

Strong market response to CAM design challenge as innovative process

Last chance for public to have their say on most

Public to have say on climate change action across Cambridgeshire

Fieldwork Robotics Awarded £50,000 to Further Develop Fruit Picking Robot

Combined Authority picks global big-hitter to push bypass forward

Consus Fresh Solutions Ltd to Use £47,500 Grant to Help

E-scooters in Cambridge City Centre – new carbon-neutral and socially

Challenge launches to find cutting edge conceptual designs for trailblazing

Cambridge Business Awarded £40,000 Grant Towards Developing Agricultural Robots

Oxford to Cambridge Arc: a global asset and national investment

Internationally renowned tunnel engineer Lord Mair appointed chair CAM delivery

Mayor James Palmer challenges brightest and best to deliver conceptual

Globally renowned expert on tunnel engineering, Lord Mair, recommended to

Planning permission sought for new University in Peterborough

Mayor James Palmer says promoter company formation would see start

Mayor’s Blog: Showing Covid a Clean Pair of Wheels…

New £30 million university for Peterborough is officially launched by

World-leading consultants appointed in key step forward for University of

Agri-Tech Growth Fund grant for world leader in natural plastic

Key study into Cambridgeshire Metro finds ‘compelling case’ to move

Agri-Tech Growth Fund grant for award-winning coffee recycling and bio

Mayor James Palmer signs an agreement to work towards forming

John Shropshire OBE, Chairman of G’s Fresh joins the Commission

Sustainable growth plans for area brought together for the first