Mayor tours Combined Authority-funded training centre to explore role in

ARU Peterborough’s £32 million ‘The Lab’ completes construction

Bespoke Skills Bootcamp gets new employees up to speed

From QI to ARU Peterborough: Sandi Toksvig opens cutting edge

National Careers Week: Dan proves it’s never too late to

Call for volunteers to help young people on their career

Peterborough university partnership shortlisted in prestigious local government awards

Celebrations raise the roof at ARU Peterborough’s newest building

ARU Peterborough is Civic Trust regional finalist

New Skills Bootcamp to help people into careers in engineering

The Princess Royal opens Combined Authority-funded state of the art

Give your maths skills a boost in Number Confidence Week

‘It made my return to education possible’- Combined Authority’s 100th

Peterborough’s new university recognised as ARU scoops social mobility award

Start of works on XR Centre of Excellence at ARU

Hop on board Multiply bus to learn about courses to

Launch of new wave of short courses to accelerate careers

City counting the benefits of new university a year after

ARU Peterborough shortlisted for prestigious architecture award

Free events to help employers find out more about hiring

ARU Peterborough receives Higher Education award

New St Neots centre connecting people with jobs and training

ARU shortlisted for national prize thanks to new Peterborough university

Bus promoting maths skills in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is back

Micro businesses celebrate success at House of Lords thanks to

Celebration for start of building works for second teaching building

On the road again! Multiply bus tour promoting free courses

More funding for Skills Bootcamps to accelerate people’s careers and

Multiply Roadshow puts free courses to boost maths skills on

Multiply bus rolling into towns to help people become more

Transformative Careers Hub formally launches with conference at region’s newest

Funding to help primary school children dream big about their

Call for more people to take up free health and

Planning permission secured for second teaching building featuring ‘Living Lab’

North Cambridgeshire Training Centre welcomes Deputy Mayor of Cambridgeshire and

Combined Authority set to deliver Skills Bootcamps worth more than

Plans put in for second teaching building featuring the ‘Living

Community Day celebrates completion of first teaching building at Peterborough’s

Consultation on plans for second teaching building and public science

Combined Authority-funded HGV training driving new careers

£4m funding plan to boost numeracy skills in Cambridgeshire and

Careers education funding expands for young learners in the region

National Numeracy Day 2022 – celebrating numbers in everyday life

£5m Skills Bootcamps funding to help advance careers and boost

Opportunity for employers to support young futures with new Talent

Have your say on improvements to adult education spending

Partnership agreed for Cambridgeshire apprentice training centre

Board backing for ARU Peterborough ‘Living Lab’ public science centre

Work starts to build ARU Peterborough phase 2 research and

Chancellor Rishi Sunak visits ARU Peterborough site

HGV driver courses set up to help meet critical shortages

Spades hit the ground at Chatteris training school helping young

£100,000 grant for Peterborough Embankment masterplan will support development of

£1.8m funding for Skills Bootcamps to help people into better

Improved targeting of adult education budget to low skill areas

Mayor and Business Board Chairman react to the Government’s Skills

Mayor backs An Hour to Skill campaign

Business Bulletin: Issue Number 47

Groundbreaking ceremony marks start of ARU Peterborough construction work

Fenland regeneration gathers pace in Manea and March with start

Planning permission granted for new ARU Peterborough development

£6.2m Haverhill EpiCentre officially opens

Public to have say on climate change action across Cambridgeshire

Metalcraft secures funds for new training school

Combined Authority pledges to work with Greater Cambridge Partnership

Combined Authority Board approve £500,000 spend to support young people

Report reveals the impacts of Covid-19 on business and employment

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority #RescuetoRecovery Retraining Scheme prioritises retraining

Fenland towns set to bid for millions of pounds of

Planning permission sought for new University in Peterborough

New £30 million university for Peterborough is officially launched by

Micro Grants boosting Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s smallest businesses during coronavirus

Mayor applauds Health and Care Work Academy achievements

World-leading consultants appointed in key step forward for University of

Combined Authority reveals plan for the year ahead

A vision for Business – Mayor and Business Board Chair

Mayor James Palmer visits new advanced training facility iMET to

Mayor James Palmer welcomes Budget 2018, including £21 million to

Mayor James Palmer opens new iMET technical skills centre

£5.8m secured to unlock St Neots

St Neots first market town backed by Combined Authority