Mayor welcomes £10m extra funding to fix potholes and repair

Innovative trial to go ahead to improve state of fens

Innovative trial proposal to improve fens roads

Call for views on electric vehicles and planning for more

Combined Authority votes £££s for safer A10 crossing at Ely

Mayor Dr Nik Johnson’s letter to Transport Minister, Mark Harper,

Mayor Dr Nik Johnson statement on the Local Transport and

Work starts to beat traffic jams at key Peterborough junction

Mayor’s Statement: Local Transport and Connectivity Plan

Win-Win for Peterborough as Fengate savings put A1260 Jct 3

Combined Authority gives Fengate £6m go-ahead

Combined Authority backs Peterborough growth with over £9m for A1260

Fengate gets £6m+ go-ahead from influential Combined Authority committee

£9+ million vote paves way for A1260 upgrade and Peterborough

Combined Authority pushes forward A16 Norwood improvement

Jump start to get active travel on the road in

Combined Authority Clears Way for Removal of King’s Dyke Level

Further £300K allocated to North Cambridgeshire Training Centre by the

£6 million from Combined Authority to take A141 St Ives

£6 million urged to push A141 St Ives Improvement

Mayor joins celebration as new King’s Dyke bridge opens and

Still time to have a say on region’s transport future

Public urged to have a say on region’s transport future

Combined Authority Board may push ahead St Ives and A141

A141 Huntingdon and St Ives study moves ahead

Combined Authority vote clears the way for A10 improvement

St Ives travel preferences revealed as transport panel approves next

New Year start to A1260 Parkway construction, thanks to Combined

A141 Huntingdon and St Ives road plans will go ahead

Time capsule looks to the future as partners celebrate progress

Green Clean Nene – Combined Authority brings A1260 Parkway Junction

Have your say on plans to improve Peterborough’s A16 Norwood

Revamped Local Transport Plan to consider improvement to digital infrastructure

A505 Royston to Granta Park Strategic Growth and Transport Study

Putting compassion, co-operation and community at the heart of reinvented

We want bikes and a bypass, Hunts people tell A141

Combined Authority wins £2m for A10 dualling study

Planning permission approved for ARU Peterborough research and development centre

£1m improvements to A142 Lancaster Way roundabout at Ely finish

More Progress for A47 Upgrades as Transport Committee hear latest

Progress for transport upgrades for ARU Peterborough on Fengate

‘Smart savings’ on A141 to fund St Ives travel improvements

Mayor Blog overview of the year 2020

Freeing up Fengate gets starter cash from Combined Authority

Peterborough A605 improvements completed to benefit all road users

Lancaster Way Roundabout improvements set for decision

Combined Authority picks global big-hitter to push bypass forward

Oxford to Cambridge Arc: a global asset and national investment

Mayor’s ‘road-trip’ shares A10 options with public despite Covid

A141 Options Work Scrap Controversial Huntingdon Third River Crossing

Last chance to have your say on a better future

Mayor’s Blog: A Tale of Two Cities – and Eleven

‘Going virtual’ to keep March transport consultation going despite coronavirus

Mayor welcomes news of the successful bid for safety barrier

Combined Authority Board votes to move forward with Cambridgeshire Autonomous

Mayoral team hears how St Neots Masterplan is moving ahead

Mayor James Palmer welcomes bids to Government to dual A10

Combined Authority reveals plan for the year ahead

Kings Dyke Crossing to move to construction phase

Mayor James Palmer makes case to Business Secretary Greg Clark

Further comments from Mayor on A10 report