Tag: Cambourne


Combined Authority pledges to work with Greater Cambridge Partnership

The Greater Cambridge Partnership and the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority have pledged to work together to tackle the transport issues facing the area and implement the policies set out in the Combined Authority’s Local Transport Plan. James Palmer, Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough accepted the GCP Executive Board’s offer to join the Board as […]

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Combined Authority Board votes to move forward with Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro regional routes

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Transport Committee has today approved £100,000 to progress business cases for the regional arms of the Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro (CAM). The CAM regional arms will include routes from St Ives to Alconbury, Cambourne to St Neots, Newmarket Park and Ride to Mildenhall and Granta Park to Haverhill. The CAM […]

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