How it will work
You can attend the event live at Storey’s Field Centre, Cambridge or virtually by joining via a link which will be hosted by Zoom.
Fill in the registration form here and indicate how you would like to attend the event and submit your question.
The event will be held live at Storey’s Field Centre, Eddington Ave, Cambridge CB3 1AA between 10:30 and 11:30am.
If you are attending virtually, the event will go live on Friday 25th March, 10:30am, you will be provided with a link in a follow-up when you register.
We recommend joining through a web browser on a computer (such as Chrome or Firefox.) You can participate through a smartphone or tablet, but on these devices, you will be prompted to download a free Microsoft Teams app.
Suggest a question
All questions have been submitted.
Questions will be handled on a first come, first serve basis, and will be manged to ensure all subjects are covered. A supplementary question related to the initial question will be welcomed. All questions and answers will appear on the website after 5 working days of the event.
The deadline to submit questions was the 14th of March.
If you missed the question deadline or have any follow-up questions after the event, we encourage you to email