Electric Vehicle and Charging Points Survey

It is now law that the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans will end in Great Britain by 2035.

Already there are more and more electric cars on our roads and a growing demand for places to charge them.

The Combined Authority, in partnership with Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, is working on a plan to provide more EV charging points locally. But we want to make sure it is done in the right way. Whether it’s your views on electric vehicles or how and where to offer more charging points, your feedback will help shape that plan.

The scope of our Electric Vehicle strategy is to address the transition of roadgoing transport within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough away from fossil fuels in the short term and through the next decade. The strategy focuses on 5 key areas for delivery:

  1. Charging Infrastructure

  2. Chargepoint Accessibility

  3. Communication, Advocacy and Outreach

  4. Public Transport

  5. Shared Transport

Even if you don’t have an electric vehicle, your opinion matters.


Click here to share your views on the future of electric vehicles.

Our Vision for EV Charging Infrastructure

“For everyone in the region to have the necessary electric vehicle charging infrastructure available in the right place, at the time they need. This charging infrastructure will be high quality, safe, affordable, environmentally sustainable and accessible”.  

Electric Vehicle and Charging Points Survey

We want your views on the future of electric vehicles (EVs) and how best to meet the demand for more charging points in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.


Remember, even if you don’t have an electric vehicle, your opinion matters.


By 2030 it is predicted that the Combined Authority area needs thousands more public EV charging points. We want to provide enough charging points in the right places to support the growing switch to EVs. Our strategy to do that is called the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy and is currently in draft form.

We are also working to lower greenhouse gas emissions in transport – a key aim of our Local Transport and Connectivity Plan. Transport, including public transport and car journeys, is responsible for about a quarter of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s carbon dioxide emissions. So we are working with our councils to find ways to reduce emissions in transport and help the UK meet its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The switch to EVs is a part of the journey to net zero.

We want to make sure a lack of charging points doesn’t put people off owning EVs. The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy will help us apply to the Government’s Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) fund to pay for more charging points in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The survey feedback will help the implementation of the strategy and help Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council work at more detailed options for charging points. The deadline for comments is the 26th March 2024.

Other ways to take part:

Email: You can email your comments about EVs and EV charging if you prefer. Email transport@cambridgeshirepeterborough-ca.gov.uk. We recommend you look at the survey form first to see the questions, even if you are just emailing a response.

By post: If you would like a hard copy version of the survey form to return by post, email transport@cambridgeshirepeterborough-ca.gov.uk with your request. Or call us on 01480 277180 to ask for hard copies.

Frequently Asked Questions:

To access our frequently asked questions document please click here.

Read Our Local Transport and Connectivity Plan.

Click here to read the Combined Authority’s long-term strategy to make transport in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough better faster, greener, and more accessible for everyone.

Who we are

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) was formed in 2017 and is led by directly elected Mayor Dr Nik Johnson. It is made up of seven local councils and the Business Board which represents local businesses in the area. We work with local public services, Government departments and agencies, universities and business to grow the local economy.

The seven councils are Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, East Cambridgeshire District Council, Fenland District Council, Huntingdonshire District Council, Peterborough City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council.

Share your Views

Click the button to complete our Electric Vehicle Survey: