Further £300K allocated to North Cambridgeshire Training Centre by the
£6 million from Combined Authority to take A141 St Ives
£6 million urged to push A141 St Ives Improvement
Public urged to have a say on region’s transport future
Combined Authority Board may push ahead St Ives and A141
A141 Huntingdon and St Ives study moves ahead
St Ives travel preferences revealed as transport panel approves next
A141 Huntingdon and St Ives road plans will go ahead
We want bikes and a bypass, Hunts people tell A141
‘Smart savings’ on A141 to fund St Ives travel improvements
Combined Authority picks global big-hitter to push bypass forward
A141 Options Work Scrap Controversial Huntingdon Third River Crossing
Last chance to have your say on a better future
Combined Authority reveals plan for the year ahead