Consultation: Draft Budget 2018/2019

Consultation: Draft Budget 2018/2019

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority’s Draft Budget for 2018/19 was approved for consultation purposes at the Combined Authority Board meeting held on Wednesday 20th December 2017.

The Combined Authority wants to hear the opinions of all residents, partner organisations, businesses and other interested parties as part of the budget setting process and in response to the following question:

Do you have any comments to make on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority draft budget for 2018/19?

The draft budget is included in the consultation document below.

Please note that this consultation applies to the draft Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority budget only, and not to the mayor’s draft budget which is subject to a separate approval process.

The consultation will close on Wednesday 17th January 2018 and the Combined Authority Board will be provided with feedback on the consultation process at their meeting on 31st January 2018.

Please send responses to this consultation to Jon Alsop at the following email address:

Related documents: 

Draft budget 2018/2019 consultation information (671kb)