Emergency Protocols for Public Meetings in Response to Covid-19 Pandemic
The intention is for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to retain its responsibility for transparency and accountability. It is currently putting in place arrangements that revise the decision-making process in accordance with pending legislation and ensure that decision-making remains as accessible as possible for the press and public.
Overview and Scrutiny meeting scheduled for Monday has been cancelled and rescheduled for Monday 30th March 11am with the expectation that the legislation will have been changed to hold a as a virtual meeting. The Reports will be republished today. This is to keep the option of dealing with the call-in requests.
Audit & Governance meeting is cancelled, and the agenda items will be added to the next scheduled meeting will be confirmed but is scheduled for the 26th May 2020.
Business Board meeting on Monday will proceed via virtual meetings. This is a private meeting and is not subject to the same local government law as the other committees and Combined Authority Board.
Combined Authority Board meeting on Wednesday will go ahead as a virtual meeting but because the law has yet to be changed to allow the Combined Authority to meet on a virtual basis, the Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, James Palmer, will make decisions on the more urgent items of the agenda via his general power of competence, subject to discussions this week with Combined Authority Board members.
The Mayor’s General Power of Competence [GPoC] derives from Article 12 of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Order 2017.
Subject to the technology currently being put in place this will be a virtual meeting with the Mayor and Combined Authority Board members virtually present with officer report authors. The Mayor will go through the agenda in the usual way, officers present reports, members debate the recommendations, but Mayor then makes the final decision.
It is the Combined Authority’s intention for press and public to be able to follow this virtual meeting on the website and this is currently being tested. There is a backup option of a recording of the virtual meeting being made public.
Minutes and Decision Summaries will be captured and disseminated in the normal way.
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