Peterborough Station Quarter partnership praised as project speeds ahead
In a unanimous vote, members of the Combined Authority’s transport and infrastructure committee showed their support for the ambitious project to transform Peterborough Station Quarter into a welcoming gateway to the city and to the whole east of England and beyond.
Subject to the Government’s Department for Transport agreeing the Outline Business Case – submitted for comment in December – the committee voted to recommend that the Combined Authority Board approves the Outline Business Case, moving Peterborough’s regeneration project to the next stage, the Full Business Case.
Chair of the Combined Authority Transport & Infrastructure Committee, Deputy Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Cllr Anna Smith, praised the joint work by the partners Peterborough City Council and the Combined Authority from early days and their successful pitch for £48 million to get the enterprise started and:
“I want to highlight the amount of work that’s gone into this and the excellent partnership working that has been a real feature of this project since the beginning – the Combined Authority and Peterborough City Council working so closely together in both securing and putting into practice those funds, making sure that this delivers for the people of Peterborough and for the wider transport infrastructure.
“I really want to thank our partners in Peterborough for the excellent partnership working and all members of staff here at the Combined Authority who have been part of the process.”
Through their close collaboration, PCC and the Combined Authority secured the funding for the first phase of the Peterborough Station Quarter Programme via the second-round bid to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
The near £48 million gained will be match funded by partners, Network Rail and PCC’s Towns Funding, taking the total up to some £65 million. This will enable the first phase of the Peterborough Station Quarter regeneration, releasing land for commercial and residential development as a further future stage.
If the Outline Business Case for this key piece of infrastructure is signed off by the DfT, the Combined Authority Board is expected to consider and vote on the recommendation at the Board meeting on 31st January.
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