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UK Community Renewal Fund Networking Event


UK Community Renewal Fund Networking Event

The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority are hosting a networking event on Friday 9 April 2021, to facilitate co-working for the recently announced UK Community Renewal Fund.

Following on from our webinar, An Introduction to the Community Renewal Fund, we would like to invite you to a networking event where we will look to facilitate introductions to establish self-led working groups that may wish to bid for CRF.

The slides from the webinar can be downloaded here for your reference.

What is the Community Renewal Fund?

To help the UK prepare for the introduction of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the government is providing funding in 2021-22 through the UKCRF. This Fund aims to support communities to pilot programmes and new approaches, aligning national and local provision.UKCRF will empower places to explore how best to tackle local challenges and support the development of communities where people want to live, work and visit, while allowing government to evaluate how best to ensure levelling up right across the country.

Peterborough and Fenland are identified as communities that are eligible to bid for funding for projects ranging in value from £500,000 – £3,000,000.

The Combined Authority are encouraging bids for projects that align with one, or deliver across several, of the following investment priorities:

  • Investment in skills
  • Investment for local business
  • Investment in communities and place
  • Supporting people into employment

Join the Networking Event

Please register by following the link below before 5pm on Thursday 8 April.

To allow us to arrange breakout rooms, please indicate which investment priorities your organisation would be bidding under and the sectors that would be targeted.

Click here to register for this networking event