£150k to take Fengate business case over the line


£150k to take Fengate business case over the line

Members of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority transport and infrastructure committee today agreed to help move forward the Fengate Phase 1 project to the next level. 

They voted to recommend that the Combined Authority Board approve the drawdown of £150,000 to complete the Full Business Case and take the project to the end of the Detailed Design stage and agree slippage of the remaining subject-to-approval budget to align with the project timeframe.   

Combined Authority officers briefed the committee on progress to date and then members agreed to recommend drawdown of £150,000 to finish Fengate Phase 1’s Full Business Case and reschedule the remaining – subject-to-Board-approval – £1.8 million into 2022-23 and across future years. 

The programme is re-forecast this month and the revised project delivery timeline will inform any further reprofiling of the subject-to-approval’ budget to be brought forward alongside the completed Full Business Case.