2020-21 Combined Authority Final Statement of Accounts and Auditor’s Annual Report Published
Following the meeting of the Audit & Governance Committee on Friday 17 December, we are delighted to present the 2020-2021 Combined Authority Final Statement of Accounts and Auditor’s Annual Report.
We are required to prepare an annual Statement of Accounts by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, to make sure we obey proper accounting practices. (The accounting rules for Local Authorities are published in the ‘Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom’ and comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).)
The statement of accounts gives a true and fair view of the financial results of the Authority’s work for the financial year ended 31 March 2021. The statement of accounts also summaries the overall financial position of the Authority at the 31 March 2021.
External auditors have examined our accounts, and have issued an unqualified opinion. This means that they have agreed that our accounts are, in their opinion, a true and fair view- and that they have not qualified that view with any concerns or issues.
Read the final, audited accounts for 2020 to 2021
Read the Auditor’s Annual report for 2020 to 2021
The notice of audit conclusion, and associated Audit Certificate, have not yet been issued as these rely on the Authority’s Whole of Government Accounts submission being audited. Because auditors have not been given the latest National Audit Office guidance and reporting requirements yet, we cannot write the submission, so must wait to be issued this.
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