Active travel funds to make A10 safer for walkers, cyclists and riders
Safer crossing for people walking and cycling at the A10 around Ely moved closer today when the Combined Authority’s key committee on transport issues unanimously voted to recommend that the Board approves £550k to fund the next stage of this project.
From the £1.8m subject-to-approval unallocated active travel capital budget for 2024/25, it would fund further appraisal into making safer the A10 roundabout close to the BP fuel station and Lancaster Way Business Park just outside Ely.
Transport and Infrastructure Committee members were updated on the progress, the process, and public engagement actions around the BP Roundabout Crossing Study, funded by the Combined Authority, and they heard what next steps the Combined Authority’s delivery partner, Cambridgeshire County Council, has planned for moving the project further forward.
There are currently two main options that could help active travellers negotiate the busy junction with better safety and confidence. One is to put a whole new structure over the location of the existing roundabout; the other is to put in a signalised crossing. Subject to the Combined Authority Board approving funding for the next phase, the £550k will confirm the option to be taken forward.
Further work will also delve into relative costs of each option, helping to inform the final decision.
There is currently not enough funding within the remaining active travel capital budget to deliver the most expensive alternative. If this option is recommended, additional funding will be needed for this to go forward.
Back in March, the Transport and Infrastructure Committee recommended £100,000 to fund the study to progress a crossing at the roundabout.
That study has now found that the A10 is not only a barrier to pedestrians and cyclists trying to travel between Witchford village and Ely but prevents onward movement to the south-west of Ely and beyond. There are also local facilities on the west side of the Witchford Road roundabout junction, like the BP garage, Burger King, Starbucks, Travelodge hotel and the Lancaster Way Business Park which cannot be reached in safety but attract people to want to cross near the roundabout.
Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson:
“Making this important junction safe for everyone is of vital importance. We want people to feel confident cycling, walking, riding and scooting so I’m delighted that the committee has voted so decisively to help move this forward.”
To ensure local opinion was gauged, a stakeholder group was formed early in the first stage of work to gain insight from nearby communities and ‘Non-Motorised User’ groups. Throughout the process, three workshops have been held with stakeholders to keep the group abreast of progress, to seek guidance for option shortlisting and to agree scheme objectives.
The stakeholder group included representatives of the following organisations:
- Ely City Council
- Witchford Parish Council
- East Cambs. District Councillors
- County Councillors
- Ely Cycle Campaign
- Cambridge Cycle Campaign
- CCC Cycle Officer
- British Horse Society
- Local cycling interest groups
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