Combined Authority proposes new performance indicators to assess progress in climate, health, education, innovation and reducing inequalities
In a paper going to the Combined Authority joint board on 30th March 2022, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority is proposing a broad range of new measures alongside economic progress by which to judge its success.
The Combined Authority new performance indicators include:
- Difference in household income between the most and least deprived;
- Number of households living in fuel poverty;
- Total carbon emissions;
- Number of publicly open green spaces;
- Healthy life expectancy;
- Levels of adult education learning;
- Number of residents who can reach a town by public transport;
- Percentage of population covered by 4G;
- Number of patents per 10,000 population
There are also new indicators for economic and infrastructure achievement – a full list of performance indicators is available here.
Currently the Combined Authority performance report looks at three indicators: the gross valued added (GVA) of the region; total number of jobs and houses built.
While the Combined Authority will continue with its core aim of providing economic growth (doubling GVA), the Board will be invited to adopt a broader approach to improving lives across the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
The Combined Authority proposes a new ambition to achieve sustainable growth for the region, with new performance indicators to assess progress across six key themes:
- Health and Skills: making sure that people in our region are healthy and able to pursue the jobs and lives they want
- Climate and Nature: bringing back the nature that’s been lost to our region, and focusing on reducing the impact of climate change
- Infrastructure: building public transport networks, digital networks, and supporting energy and water systems to support the people living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- Innovation: building on our reputation for new thinking, new technology and new ideas in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- Reducing Inequalities: we know that there are big gaps in life expectancy and people’s income between different parts of our region; we’re going to focus on investing in our communities and the people in our region to make that better
- Finance and Systems: we’ll be focusing on the way we spend our money and how our decisions are taken, to make sure our projects are as cost effective and transparent as they can be
Good performance will be summarised as economic growth being on target with at least 75% of strategic indicators showing a positive direction of travel. In recognition that different local authorities face different challenges, all data will be available by district so the Combined Authority can understand what is going on in every corner of the region.
Mayor Dr Nik Johnson said:
“Today we set out a bold new strategy to help achieve our mission of making life better, healthier, and fairer for all, without exhausting the resources our children will need for the future.”
“At the Combined Authority we are ready to show what the values of 3Cs – compassion, cooperation, and community- will mean for all. We are assessing our progress, not just on economic growth but on the other things that make life worth living: household income, a chance for a good education, fresh air and access to green spaces and how many years you can expect to live in good health. I believe we are the first UK public body to judge its success by such an in-dept and broad range of measures.”
The new Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority sustainable growth ambition seeks to ensure that growth is more evenly spread and environmentally sustainable over the long term.
For over ten years, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough economic growth has been faster than the national UK economy. Growth, however, has not been felt by all but largely concentrated in pockets. Chances for a good education and work opportunities are not evenly spread. A lack of affordable housing close to centres of commerce and poor transport systems making it difficult for people to travel to work also restricts prospects and risks future growth.
There is a clear gap in quality of life across the region, with the poorest people in the Fens able to expect 12 fewer years of life than the wealthiest in Cambridge and an average yearly income difference of £28,500 between the richest and poorest households.
As a region, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough face risks from the changing climate including rising summer temperatures, water shortages and flooding and carbon emissions are 25% higher per person in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough than across the UK
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