Combined Authority pushes forward A16 Norwood improvement
The Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee today voted to recommend Board members to approve the Outline Business Case for the A16 Norwood Improvement Project and push ahead towards the next phase.
The Committee also voted to keep up the project’s momentum, moving forward plans for dualling the A16 Norwood by recommending the Combined Authority Board draws down £1.2million to push on with the Full Business Case without waiting for funding to be secured in the future for the construction stage.
The Committee unanimously agreed to push on this key development, paving the way for crucial growth in Peterborough’s housing and business.
Through A16 improvements, the Combined Authority seeks to overcome rush-hour jams, high levels of u-turning traffic from Newborough Road, and a high accident rate.
By tackling congestion and improving journey times, the Combined Authority scheme will support Peterborough’s growth, improve biodiversity and reduce and soften the impact of a traffic hotspot on the natural surroundings.
Improving safety and routes for walking, running, scooting, wheeling, riding and cycling are also key objectives of the A16 improvement plan – contributing towards an infrastructure that will provide a viable alternative to provide a viable alternative to private car travel.
The FBC phase is expected to last about 18 months and the preferred improvements include:
- Closure of the Newborough Road junction access on to the A47 (southbound).
- Dualling A16 Norwood between Norwood development roundabout and the
A16/A47/Welland Rd roundabout.
- Partial signalisation of the A16/A47/Welland Rd roundabout (A16 approach).
- Creation of a flare to provide a third lane on the A47 westbound approach.
- Creation of a dedicated left from the A47 eastbound approach to the A16 Northbound exit.
- Realignment/reconstruction of the bridleway north of the A16/A47/Welland Rd roundabout linking the signalised crossing to Newborough Rd.
- Active travel route work from the Norwood site down Welland Rd towards the city centre.
- Landscaping including, wildflower and native tree planting.
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