Contract awarded to build Soham station
Network Rail has awarded the contract to build Soham’s new railway station to J Murphy & Sons Ltd.
Having been without a rail connection for almost 55 years, the contract will deliver a new station for Soham, providing the community with more transport choices to local destinations and support more investment as part of the Council’s vision for the wider area.
The £18.6m funding package for reconnecting Soham to the rail network has been provided by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, led by Mayor James Palmer. With consent secured from East Cambridgeshire District Council in June, early enabling works are expected to begin this autumn to prepare the site for main construction works in 2021.
The contract includes:
· Construction of a single 99 metre platform to accommodate four car train services including waiting shelters, lighting, information screens and a public address system,
· Installation of a stepped footbridge across the railway to connect to an existing public right of way, designed for any future installation of lifts for a potential second platform for any scheme.
· Construction of a drop off point and a car park to accommodate 50 vehicles and five spaces for blue badge holders, as well as lighting masts.
· Cycle parking and ticket vending machines on the station forecourt.
Ellie Burrows, Network Rail’s route director for Anglia said: “Awarding the contract provides us with the means to be able to start delivering this important transport gateway for Soham. This project is a prime example of what we can do when we work in partnership with other organisations to improve the railway for the benefit of local communities and businesses.”
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Mayor James Palmer said:
“This is one of the last milestones before we deliver the station that the Soham community has campaigned for. People can’t wait to see shovels on site and boots on the ground. It’s been a top priority for me as Mayor and the Combined Authority hasn’t just funded the project – we have challenged the delivery timescales and pushed Network Rail hard to make sure this long-awaited scheme is delivered as quickly as possible. Our new approach to delivery has already saved us five months, and I am sure we can find other novel ways to speed this up.
Reconnected to the national network, Soham will be part of greening the Cambridgeshire transport system, it will attract more business and more investment, gain access to more jobs, and enjoy a fully-linked commercial and social life fit for the 21st century.”
The enabling works are expected to begin this autumn with the main construction phase starting in early 2021 and completed by the end of 2021. Greater Anglia’s Ipswich/Peterborough service will start to serve Soham station following completion of the new station.
For more information about Soham please visit our project webpage:
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