Tag: A16


Combined Authority pushes forward A16 Norwood improvement

The Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee today voted to recommend Board members to approve the Outline Business Case for the A16 Norwood Improvement Project and push ahead towards the next phase. The Committee also voted to keep up the project’s momentum, moving forward plans for dualling the A16 Norwood by recommending the Combined Authority […]

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Have your say on plans to improve Peterborough’s A16 Norwood

A public consultation was launched today (Monday, 1 November) which invites Peterborough residents  and road users to have their say on plans to improve the A16 Norwood and A16/A47/Welland roundabout. The six-week consultation asks people to complete a survey with their views on plans to improve this stretch of road, which suffers from significant congestion and delays during peak hours. The road scheme is […]

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