Tag: community

Combined Authority pledges £1.1m to help sustainable meanwhile project in new North East Cambridge district move a step closer to delivery
At the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Board Meeting in January, £1.1 million in Combined Authority funding was approved towards plans to develop a ‘meanwhile’ project focusing on tackling the climate emergency, food sustainability and green business initiatives within North East Cambridge. The initiative would be a collaboration between U+I and TOWN, the appointed master […]
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Rural communities to get a £3.4 million boost
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have successfully been awarded £3.4 million from the new £110m Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF). The award will support projects that will boost the rural economy and create jobs across the rural areas in the region. The Fund will sit alongside UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), of which the Combined Authority have […]
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Afghan Refugee Statement from Mayor Dr Nik Johnson
I have been touched by the images of desperation coming from Afghanistan over the last week and whilst the Combined Authority has no authority over resettlement for Afghan refugees there are things we can do to proactively support the call of resettlement. One, on the grounds of compassion we support the call to Government to […]
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East West Rail challenged on environment, economy, electrification and community impact in consultation reply
Electrification of the line from day one, more evidence on the preferred approach into Cambridge, more ambition on the environment, and minimising impacts on communities have formed part of the Combined Authority’s East West Rail (EWR) consultation response. The Combined Authority Board approved the response at its meeting on Wednesday (June 30). As part of […]
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