This page is being updated following the Mayoral election on 8 May 2021
Mayor: Dr Nik Johnson
- Leadership of the Combined Authority
- Engagement with Government Ministers and Departments
- Overarching responsibility for developing and implementing the strategic direction of the Combined Authority
- Chair of Combined Authority: nominating lead member responsibilities and chairs of executive committees
- Public sector reform
- Lead Member of the Business Board (local enterprise partnership) for the Combined Authority. In conjunction with the Business Board, responsible for the development of the Local Industrial Strategy
- Aligning delivery of the Local Industrial Strategy with the strategic framework of the Combined Authority
- Combined Authority local and national ambassador for key business sectors:
- Life Sciences and Healthcare
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Agritech
- ICT, Digital and Creative
- Place-based growth strategies including Market Towns and Core Cities
- Enterprise zones: impact of Brexit
- Ambassador for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to secure inward investment
- Assurance and Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks
- The Mayor has executive functions in relation to the Mayoral budget and non- statutory spatial planning
- Communications Strategy
Deputy Mayor (Statutory): Cllr Anna Smith
The Deputy Mayor carries a statutory responsibility and acts on behalf of the Mayor as designated or in their absence.
Lead Member for Transport & Infrastructure and Chair of the Transport & Infrastructure Committee: Cllr Anna Smith
- Development of Local Transport Plan (for approval by Board)
- Sustainable transport
- Bus strategy
- Monitoring and delivery of and budget for major transport and connectivity programmes
- Development of the Transport Levy for recommendation to the board
- Road network and infrastructure
- Key transport partnerships including Network Rail and private sector transport providers
- Lead Member for Local Highways Authorities and the Strategic Highway Authority
Lead Member for Skills and Chair of the Skills Committee: Cllr Lucy Nethsingha
- Skills Strategy: Employer focused skills system
- Peterborough University
- Apprenticeships and Pathways to Employment Scheme
- Adult Education Devolution
- Education Committee and coordination lead with Regional Schools Commissioner
- Coordination with the Department for Education on the Opportunity Area programme
- Centre for Skills (in conjunction with the Business Board)
- The Skills Framework and Action Plan for Adult Education
- Coordination with DWP and the Work & Health Programme
- Innovation Fund and the Health and Care Sector Work Academy
- 16+ Area Review outcomes
- Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 years
Communities and Environment and Joint Chair of the Environment & Sustainable Communities Committee: Cllr Bridget Smith
To act as lead and champion in the cause of:
- Responding to Climate Change
- Leading on the recommendations of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate Change
- Zero Carbon and carbon reduction
- Renewable energy
Strategic relationships with public bodies, the private sector and voluntary groups on environmental issues
Lead Member for Housing and Joint Chair of the Environment & Sustainable Communities Committee:
- Development of the Housing Strategy
- Overseeing the delivery of major housing schemes – including the Housing Investment Fund
- Monitoring and reporting to the Combined Authority Board on the affordable housing programmes, including:
- Delivery of the £100M housing devolution investment fund for the Combined Authority area
- Strategic relationships with the HCA, housing providers, developers and builders
- Culture and Tourism
- Lead member for the Connecting Cambridgeshire Project
- Social action and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector
- Community Lead Member and Responsibility for the consultation strategy
Lead Member for Public Health: Cllr Chris Boden
To act as lead and champion in the cause of:
- Wellbeing and Public Health issues across all Portfolios
- Co-ordinating the work of the Combined Authority in preventative health
- Embedding public health across the work of the Combined Authority
- Maximising health improvement and minimising health harms; Reducing health inequalities
- Mental wellbeing, including promoting mental health and tackling stigma
- Healthy life expectancy; Healthy start to life
- Healthy active ageing
- Lead on Covid-related public health infrastructure and related community support for the Combined Authority
- Strategic relationships with Cambridgeshire & Peterborough CCG and health providers in the Combined Authority area
- To promote reductions in health inequalities across the Combined Authority area
Lead Member for Devolution & Place: Cllr Sarah Conboy
- Future devolution deals including securing new powers and associated budget responsibilities for the Combined Authority
- Development of a Shared Vision and Place narrative
- Stakeholder engagement
Lead Member for Governance: Cllr Edna Murphy
Effective governance of the Combined Authority, including transparency and openness.