For Developers
If you are a property developer, housebuilder, or housing provider, large or small, we are keen to explore opportunities to partner with you to deliver new affordable homes in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
The Combined Authority can invest in schemes within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough via grant or loan, as long as schemes will start on site by 31 March 2022. This might be via a traditional grant for new affordable housing or investment in on or off-site infrastructure (subject to State Aid regulations). We will consider applications for funding to deliver new affordable homes across al tenures, provided the scheme has the support of the local planning authority.
For queries specific to Cambridge City Council's programme please contact Claire Flowers, Head of the CCC Housing delivery Agency.
Examples of projects we have funded
To arrange an initial discussion please contact our Housing and Development team.
For queries specific to Cambridge City Council’s programme please contact Claire Flowers, Head of the CCC Housing Development Agency.
Mayor Palmer updates housing minister on infrastructure plans