The Combined Authority's key goal is to drive and improve economic growth across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The Business Board is the Local Enterprise Partnership for our region, and helps to overcome key barriers to growth, from infrastructure challenges through to helping create an appropriately skilled workforce of the future.

What are we doing for Business?


The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough economy has risen to global prominence over the last thirty years, through our unique mix of academia, research and entrepreneurial spirit. It’s exciting, but we are at a critical phase in our growth where we need to invest in taking our success forward.



We exist to help and support the businesses of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, whether that’s through advice and support from our Growth Hub, investing in our Market Towns, or through the key business funding provided by our Local Growth Fund and Eastern Agri-Tech Growth Initiative. We want to drive growth, but not just in a couple of small pockets of the region: we believe every single part of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough can grow and thrive with the right support.

The Business Board

The Business Board is the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for our region and is made up of local business leaders and elected local leaders who are passionate about supporting businesses. The Board is accountable to the Combined Authority and is tasked with securing the investment needed to deliver improved infrastructure, business support and a range of skills and training initiatives.

Find out about the funds and projects the Business Board support here.


Business Board

The Business Board works with businesses, education, and local authority partners to drive economic growth, secure inward investment and protect and create jobs...

Business Growth Hub

Whether you’re still in the initial stages or have been trading for several years, knowing where you’re trying to take your...

Business Growth & Social Impact Investment Funds

Eastern Agri-Tech Growth Initiative

The Eastern Agri-Tech Growth Initiative was designed to support the development of new and innovative ideas within the Agri-Tech sector. This...

Enterprise Zones

Enterprise Zones are designated areas across England that provide tax breaks and Government support.  They are great places to do business...

Supporting Our Market Towns

We recognise that our market towns are the lifeblood of the local economy and we are investing over £13million, through the...

Local Growth Fund

Local Growth Funds provide capital funding from the Government’s Local Growth Fund to local economies via Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs). LEPs...

Oxford to Cambridge Partnership

Proposals for a locally-led Partnership for the Oxford to Cambridge region has been given the green light by government.


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Business Growth Hub

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