Investment in Market Towns

The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority are committed to helping the region’s market town to thrive.

Market Town Masterplans

We recognise that our market towns are the lifeblood of the local economy and we are investing over £13million, through the Business Board, to ensure our towns remain vibrant and thriving places.

The investment will also help to boost the local and regional economy and provide targeted growth and regeneration right across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Supporting Our Market Towns

The funding is being delivered through a series of strategic Market Town Masterplans that reflect the needs of the local area, from new job opportunities and education and skills provision, through to community facilities and local attractions.





Supporting Our Market Towns

The Combined Authority and the Business Board work in partnership with District and Town Councils and local businesses to ensure our Masterplans are targeted and informed, so the investment can have a real positive impact.





Following a successful Masterplan for Growth pilot in St Neots, ten other market towns now have their own masterplan and the Business Board remain committed to delivering inclusive and place-sensitive growth.


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