Careers Education

It is vital that all young people have access to high levels of support and careers education when preparing for Sixth Form, Apprenticeships, Further Education, and Higher Education which will all lead to the world of work and employment.

The National Careers Strategy

The National Careers Strategy sets out a long-term plan to build a world class careers system, bridging opportunity gaps and prioritising the people and places who need support most.

The strategy ensures that every school:

  • has a careers programme based on their students
  • engages with a wide range of employers
  • meets further education and training providers.

Careers & Enterprise Company

The Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC) is a subsidiary of the Department For Education and is the national body for improving careers education for young people.

The CEC has funded the Combined Authority’s Careers Hub which connects local employers, schools and colleges to support better careers education.

The CEC has developed a national network with employers and training providers.

The network is made up of Enterprise Coordinators who work within the Business Board and Combined Authority regions.

Enterprise Co-ordinators:

  • are trained professionals who work with clusters of 20 schools and colleges including special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision
  • support careers leaders to develop their careers programmes and promote awareness
  • signpost and make connections to local and national employers
  • support a group of senior business volunteers, known as Enterprise Advisers, who they match with schools and colleges

Opportunity Area - Fenland & East Cambridgeshire

The Fenland and East Cambridgeshire Opportunity Area (OA) was launched by the government, aiming to raise education standards in the districts.

Find out more here

All secondary schools, including special educational needs and disability (SEND) schools and alternative provision in Fenland and East Cambridgeshire can access the support of an Enterprise Coordinator for help and advice.

Our schools have worked incredibly since the OA launched in 2017 to improve and perfect their careers’ programmes.

The four OA priorities are:

  • Priority 1: Accelerate the progress of disadvantaged children and young people in the acquisition and development of communication, language and reading.
  • Priority 2: Strengthen the effectiveness of support for children and young people with mental health concerns and those with Special Educational Needs.
  • Priority 3: Raise aspiration and increase access for young people to a wide range of career choices and post-16 routes
  • Priority 4: Recruit, develop and retain the best leaders and teachers in Fenland and East Cambridgeshire.

We are supported by 6 local Cornerstone Employers, supporting better careers education in the region. They are:

  • G’s Fresh
  • Stainless Metalcraft
  • Cambridge Commodities
  • Anglian Water
  • Morgan Sindall Construction
  • KPMG

For further information please contact the CPCA Enterprise Co-ordinator.


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