
The Combined Authority are working to deliver an improvement scheme north of Huntingdon to improve the congestion and delays on the A141.

The A141 is the main road from the Fens and it is crucial for the whole Huntingdon and St Ives area.

Why is it important?

  • Traffic jams and delays at peak times
  • Road safety issues and risk of accidents
  • Rat-running on minor roads
  • Lack of cycle and walking options
  • Minimal public transport

What difference will it make?

  • Reduce existing traffic jams and delays
  • Improve reliability for public transport
  • Increase capacity for growing numbers of new homes and jobs
  • Improve walking and cycling options

What happens next?

We are developing the Strategic Outline Business Case at the moment, which will develop the timetable and lay out the potential options for routes.

When do I have a say?

In February – March 2021 we are holding a public “Have your Say” event, so you can comment on the issues you can see on the A141 and provide input on the current longlist of options.

There will be a formal public consultation on the final scheme when the Outline Business Case is finished and approved.

We welcome comments or suggestions at any time: please use our Contact Us form to get in touch with the transport team.

Where can I learn more?

As the Strategic Outline Business Case is completed, we will add it here so you can look at the technical information.


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