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Lancaster Way Roundabout

The roundabouts linking the A10 and the A142 at Ely, the Lancaster Way roundabout and the locally-named “BP roundabout” are key to smooth traffic flow around Ely. The project is managed by Cambridgeshire County Council. The Business Board are providing funding alongside developer funding.

Why is it important?

  • The A10 and the A142 are very busy roads around the outskirts of Ely
  • Traffic jams are very common at the Lancaster Way and “BP” roundabout, especially at peak times
  • Development at the Lancaster Way Business Park will lead to new jobs, but also more traffic on the roundabouts at busy times

What difference will it make?

Improving the Lancaster Way roundabouts aims to:

  • Improve road safety along the route
  • Improve existing traffic jams and delays
  • Build in improved capacity to support housing and jobs growth
  • Support development and new jobs at the Lancaster Way Business Park

The project is managed by Cambridgeshire County Council; the Business Board are providing funding alongside developer funding.

What happens next?

The improvements to the “BP Roundabout”, where the A10 meets the A142, were completed in 2020. Work is ongoing on the Lancaster Way roundabout.

When do I have a say?

When a project is managed and delivered by one of our constituent councils, they promote public information events and consultations and we support them.

If you have comments at any time, get in touch using the Contact Us form.


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Lancaster Way

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