Tag: Transport


Combined Authority announces launch date for bus franchising consultation

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) has announced the launch date for its formal bus franchising consultation.   From Wednesday 14th August, everyone is being invited to have their say on the potential pathways for improving bus services for local communities.   The franchising consultation will take place online and in person (via a series of drop-in […]

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More than 17,000 under 25s apply for Tiger bus passes offering £1 fares

More than 17,000 young people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have now applied for new bus passes offering fares for just £1.  Since launch by the Combined Authority in May, Tiger bus passes are already making a big impact, with 15,821 in the hands of under 25s so far. According to the latest figures, 12,200 journeys […]

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Peterborough Station Quarter partnership praised as project speeds ahead

In a unanimous vote, members of the Combined Authority’s transport and infrastructure committee showed their support for the ambitious project to transform Peterborough Station Quarter into a welcoming gateway to the city and to the whole east of England and beyond.  Subject to the Government’s Department for Transport agreeing the Outline Business Case – submitted […]

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Statement from Mayor, Dr Nik Johnson: Ongoing bus service improvements with Whippet

The below is a statement by Mayor, Dr Nik Johnson, on the ongoing bus service improvements which Whippet are implementing following a meeting with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, Dr Nik Johnson, said:  “I have been consistent in our ambition to deliver a reformed bus network in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. A bus network that is sustainable and […]

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Mayor Dr Nik Johnson’s letter to Transport Minister, Mark Harper, to push for further details on Ely Junction, A10 and A1139

Dear Secretary of State,  I am writing to follow up on the Prime Ministers Network North announcements regarding A10 and A1139 improvements and Ely Area Capacity Enhancements at Conservative Party Conference.   Such news has been met warmly by residents in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and I am keen to understand the wider details around these welcome […]

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Combined Authority helps Whittlesey take traffic-beating plans forward

Plans to tackle transport issues and boost economic growth in the market town of Whittlesey have taken a step forward thanks to Combined Authority funding. Following the establishment of a Whittlesey Relief Road project board earlier this year, consultant Mott MacDonald has been appointed by Fenland District Council to lead the development of a Strategic […]

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Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s joint statement regarding the Number 18 bus route

Mayor Dr Nik Johnson and Councillor Anna Smith, Deputy Mayor, have released a joint statement following complaints received about the Number 18 bus route, operated by Whippet. They said: “The number 18 bus route is a vital link between St Neots and Cambridge. People in communities along the route depend upon this service to go […]

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Cambridge celebrates the benefits of Voi shared e-scooters three years on

Over 800,000 car journeys have been taken off Cambridge’s roads thanks to the availability of shared e-scooters and e-bikes, delivered by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. The figure has been revealed by operating company Voi as the shared e-scooter and e-bike scheme celebrates its third anniversary operating in the city. Since the e-scooter and e-bike trial […]

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Open Letter from Mayor Dr Nik Johnson to Cllr Wayne Fitzgerald and Paul Bristow MP

The below is a letter from Mayor Dr Nik Johnson to Peterborough City Council Leader, Cllr Wayne Fitzgerald and local MP Paul Bristow. Dear Cllr Wayne Fitzgerald and Paul Bristow MP, I’m writing to clarify the misleading rumors that have swirled around Peterborough City of late. Despite multiple attempts to clarify privately, in the press, […]

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Mayor and deputy Mayor work on restoring vital bus routes after visiting Wittering, Castor, Ailsworth and Wansford

Mayor Dr Nik Johnson and Deputy Mayor Anna Smith have put forward proposals to restore a key bus route in Wittering after visiting Wittering and the surrounding villages and witnessing first-hand the importance of the bus route in that area. Mayor Dr Nik Johnson and Deputy Mayor Anna Smith, on a separate visit, were taken […]

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Mayor joins accessibility campaigners on Ely station

‘See differently’ urges the UK’s major campaigning charity for blind and partially sighted people and that’s what Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Mayor Dr Nik Johnson did when he joined Royal National Institute for Blind People at Ely Railway Station to glimpse something of the challenge they face. In the latest move by the Combined Authority to […]

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Bus Service 18 bus helping students get to college on time

From 4th September onwards, students from St Neots will be able to use the number 18 bus to travel to college after the Authority worked with Whippet to change the timetabling. A group of 20 parents who live in St Neots, whose children either attend Cambourne Village College, or will be attending soon, wrote to […]

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Mayor Dr Nik Johnson: Statement on the next steps for bus reform

The below is a statement by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson on the future of buses in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and the work the Combined Authority is doing with partners to reform the network. “Better bus services across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are vital to the future of our region. As Mayor, it’s clear to me that […]

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Huge majority vote Ting!

A survey of 296 people who have used Ting found that 94 per cent preferred the taxi style service to regular bus services. Of the people surveyed, a higher percentage of young people, aged under 20, used Ting compared to regular buses, 20 per cent for Ting compared to just 3 per cent for regular […]

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Next Stop Summer! Combined Authority and the National Trust launch green tourism campaign

The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority is collaborating with the National Trust to encourage more people to use buses to visit the region’s many great tourist and leisure spots this summer while most journeys are just £2. To mark the beginning of the campaign, Mayor Nik Johnson travelled by bus today from Huntingdon Bus Station […]

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Combined Authority tendering for mini-bus as temporary replacement for 36 bus service

Following the withdrawal of the 36 bus route, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority is going out to tender for a mini-bus to run between Eye and Thorney. The mini-bus is expected to be a temporary measure as a longer-term solution is found with operators. Mayor Nik Johnson said:   “We are going out to tender […]

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Rail summit hits Treasury with strong message from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Sending a clear message to the Treasury, business and transport leaders have urged Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to agree improvements to the Ely Junction bottleneck which notoriously holds back trade and the wide prosperity it should bring. The case that the ‘Ely Solution’ holds what is perhaps the most vital key to growth across Great Britain […]

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‘Ely Solution’ gains momentum with Cambridge rail summit

A simple answer to getting foreign trade and growth moving through Britain will gain fresh impetus when key players gather for a rail summit at one of the East of England’s newer stations, Cambridge North. Convened by the Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson, and co-chaired by the Rt Hon Norman Baker,  Campaign […]

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The Six District Challenge – Completed!

On Monday 12th June 2023, Mayor Nik Johnson took part in the Six District Challenge, which involved getting around each of the six districts in Cambridgeshire, within 24 hours, using only public transport and active travel routes. With no prior plan on which routes to take, the Challenge was a unique opportunity to celebrate the […]

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Better Transport: Mayor takes on the Six District Challenge

Dr Nik Johnson, Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority will be supporting Better Transport Week by taking on his own Six District Challenge on Monday 12th June, 2023. The Six District Challenge involves getting around each of the six districts in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, within 24 hours, using only public transport and active travel […]

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Cambridge South a concrete reality as Minister announces full funding

Years of campaigning by the Combined Authority and others for a new station at Cambridge South paid off today when the rail minister, Huw Merriman, visited the site to announce £211 million from the Government to get the station into service by 2025. Work is already well under way on the Cambridge South Infrastructure Enhancements […]

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Mayor Dr Nik Johnson’s statement regarding East-West Rail announcement

The news that the government has given the green light to the next stage of the East-West Rail project, which will connect Cambridge, and the whole of Cambridgeshire, with Oxford is most welcome. We’ve been waiting a long while for this announcement. I whole heartedly agree, we do need better east-west rail links for the region. It […]

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Government awards Cambridgeshire and Peterborough £2.3 million for bus reform and extends £2 fares to the autumn

The government has announced Cambridgeshire and Peterborough will receive £2.3 million to continue work on improving the bus network.  The Department of Transport is also extending its scheme to cap the maximum adult single bus ticket at just £2 – instead of ending at the end of June, this offer, across all English bus routes, […]

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Green Nene: Have your say on walking and wheeling bridge

Peterborough residents and visitors are being invited by Peterborough City Council to share their views on the proposed walking and wheeling bridge across the river at Fletton Quays. The active travel crossing over the Nene will be for non-motor vehicles. It will offer a safer and greener alternative to the busy main road for pedestrians, […]

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Combined Authority Board agree the full business case for the Transport Model

At the Combined Authority meeting on 22 March, the full business case for the Transport Model, including the timeline for its future arrangements and delivery, was unanimously approved. In addition, the drawdown of £1.721m allocated within the Medium-Term Financial Plan was agreed for the delivery of the model. The aim of the Transport Model is […]

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Win-Win for Peterborough as Fengate savings put A1260 Jct 3 on the road

Members of the Combined Authority board have unanimously approved a proposal to put an underspend of £3,441,880 from Peterborough’s Fengate Access Study budget towards building the city’s A1260 Junction 32/3 project.   The Board’s decision gives the go-ahead for contracts to be signed and the use of the Transforming Cities Fund allocation for construction of the […]

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Fengate gets £6m+ go-ahead from influential Combined Authority committee

In the latest move towards helping Peterborough fulfil its aspirations for growth, at today’s meeting of the Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee, members voted to recommend that the Board approve drawdown of £6,665,696 to heft the Fengate Access Study Improvement Schemes from paper to construction. Members welcomed the completed Fengate Phase 1 Full Business […]

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£9+ million vote paves way for A1260 upgrade and Peterborough growth

Recommending nearly £10 million to carry forward the A1260 Junction 32/3 upgrade, the Combined Authority’s transport committee brought the key Peterborough road scheme a step nearer construction this week. Chaired by Deputy Mayor Coun Anna Smith, the Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee today voted to recommend that the Board signs off the A1260 improvement […]

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Combined Authority pushes forward A16 Norwood improvement

The Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee today voted to recommend Board members to approve the Outline Business Case for the A16 Norwood Improvement Project and push ahead towards the next phase. The Committee also voted to keep up the project’s momentum, moving forward plans for dualling the A16 Norwood by recommending the Combined Authority […]

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Combined Authority committee keeps options open for Wisbech rail

Getting Wisbech better-connected came closer today when the Combined Authority’s transport and infrastructure committee decided to move forward with an Options Assessment Report analysing the costs and benefits of different types of connection. The options to be looked at will include both light and heavy rail modes and would centre on a service initially operating […]

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Fengate on safer and healthier route as active travel gets green light

In a move set to speed up the delivery of better and safer facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, members of the Combined Authority Board today voted to release over £550k to push through active travel projects within Peterborough’s Fengate development scheme. After an update on the progress of Fengate Phase 1 Full Business Case, members […]

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Combined Authority to hit ground running if active travel bid wins through

Members of the Board today voted to hit the ground running if the Combined Authority pitch for active travel funding from the Government is successful. The Board approved the release of funding for walking and cycling infrastructure, subject to the Combined Authority’s bid being approved by Active Travel England, an executive agency for the Department […]

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Cyclists and walkers to benefit as Combined Authority ramps up March revamp

The Combined Authority Board today approved the release of over half a million pounds to complete the March Area Transport Study Full Business Case – and Members also put another half-million towards active travel in the Fenland market town. In a vote to keep up the pace of the March revamp, Members agreed to release […]

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Combined Authority Clears Way for Removal of King’s Dyke Level Crossing

The Combined Authority Board has agreed £1million of subject-to-approval funding from the Medium-Term Financial Plan for the eagerly-awaited closure and removal of the Kings Dyke level crossing. The MTFP has a subject to approval amount of £2.1m for Kings Dyke level crossing closure and the drawdown will be spent in the current financial year. A […]

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Mayor joins celebration as new King’s Dyke bridge opens and first drivers go across

Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Dr Nik Johnson today rejoiced in the ‘triumph’ of partners and colleagues whose work will end the delays that snarled up road travel between Whittlesey and Peterborough at the King’s Dyke Level Crossing.  For some fifty years, people around Fenland and the market town of Whittlesey have campaigned for a […]

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Mayor opens redeveloped March railway station

Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Dr Nik Johnson has officially opened the newly developed March Railway Station and its upgraded bike and car park at a ceremony in the refurbished Platform 1 Building.  Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Colonel Mark Knight MBE, Cllr Chris Seaton, Fenland District Council’s  transport lead and Chairman of the Fenland Stations […]

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Statement from the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority on BSIP funding

“On Monday 4th April the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority received a letter from the Department for Transport (DfT) making it formally aware of the decision to not provide it with funding for the Bus Strategy Improvement Plan at this time. Although this is disappointing news, the Combined Authority is committed to working with partners in […]

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Keep pedalling! E-scooter trial extension recommended for Cambridge and Peterborough

Voi e-scooters have been recommended for approval by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Transport and Infrastructure Committee (14th March) to keep operating in Cambridge until November 30th, at its Board meeting (30th March). The scheme was expected to come to an end in March 2022, however, the Department for Transport (DfT) has requested commissioning authorities to […]

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Combined Authority Board may push ahead St Ives and A141

At the March meeting of the Board of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, Members will be asked to approve the drawdown of £2.3 million to get work started on the St Ives Local Improvement Schemes. Following updates on the progress of the St Ives Local Improvements Study and the A141 and St Ives Outline […]

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Voi e-bikes back on the streets of Peterborough

Relaunched with 40 e-bikes available to rent and continuing as a 24 hour, 7-day week service Upgraded e-bike security features and staff on the ground monitoring the service closely The scheme saved an estimated 3  tonnes of C02 and helped people get around town with 10,000 rides Voi is giving away 50% off Daily Passes […]

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A141 Huntingdon and St Ives study moves ahead

Following recommendation from its own Transport and Infrastructure Committee, the Combined Authority board today approved moving ahead with the next stage – development and costing of the Outline Business Case (OBC) and preliminary design.  The Board vote will move the A141 Huntingdon and St Ives roads network project forward in one unified scheme for the […]

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£150k to take Fengate business case over the line

Members of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority transport and infrastructure committee today agreed to help move forward the Fengate Phase 1 project to the next level.  They voted to recommend that the Combined Authority Board approve the drawdown of £150,000 to complete the Full Business Case and take the project to the end of the […]

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St Ives travel preferences revealed as transport panel approves next steps for unified A141 improvement scheme

At its first meeting of 2022, the Transport and Infrastructure Committee of the Combined Authority heard how bypass and active travel options for St Ives got the thumbs-up from the public.  At the meeting, members agreed to make recommendations to the Board that will move the Huntingdon A141 and St Ives roads network project forward […]

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Brass Band and great community turnout as Mayor opens Soham’s new station

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Mayor Dr Nik Johnson officially opened Soham’s new railway station today to the delight of the community as the first trains rolled into the new platform, five months ahead of the original timetable. The Deputy Lieutenant for Cambridgeshire, the Hon Frances Stanley, Network Rail’s Chairman Sir Peter Hendy, and a great turnout […]

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Voi places ‘golden ticket’ scooters to support inclusive cycling charity, Cycling Projects this Christmas

Voi launches golden ticket Christmas campaign in Cambridge to support Cycling Projects charity, encouraging active travel for all. The campaign will also be launched in 8 other towns and cities across the UK where Voi operates. Users encouraged to seek out ‘golden wrapped’ e-scooters to automatically unlock a donation. Voi employees to offer voluntary services […]

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Looks like it’s a good thing, this ting!

That is the opinion of 2,500 passengers who have made use of the new on demand bus service currently being trialled in the western part of Huntingdonshire. In the first six weeks since its launch on 25 October 2021, the ‘Uber’ style bus service, which is being operated in the area by Stagecoach East, has […]

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March plans surge ahead thanks to unanimous vote by Combined Authority

Uniting in support of the collaborative work under way to make life better for people in the Fenland market town of March, the cross-party Board of the Combined Authority today approved the drawdown of £1.51 million to push March’s transport plans forward to detailed design.  In the unanimous vote, following recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Transport & […]

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Still time for public to have say on region’s transport future

There is still time for people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to have their say on the region’s transport future. A refresh of the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) – the strategy for making transport in the region better – is currently taking place As part of that, an initial four-week public engagement on the […]

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Aerial footage captures initial stages of railway station development work

A bird’s eye view of two exciting railway developments in the Fens has been captured on video thanks to new drone footage at March and Manea stations.  Aerial Cam has filmed the early stages of works being carried out as part of a multi-million pound regeneration of Fenland’s railway stations which is pushing forward with major improvements on the Hereward Line between Ely and Peterborough.   To view the footage, […]

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Time capsule looks to the future as partners celebrate progress at King’s Dyke

Looking to the future and making the long wait for a new bridge at King’s Dyke a thing of the past was the job in hand this week when a time capsule about the landmark project was buried at the site to inform generations to come.    The bridge over the Ely to Peterborough railway line on the A605, is part of the King’s Dyke Level Crossing scheme which also entails building a […]

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Green Clean Nene – Combined Authority brings A1260 Parkway Junction 15 a step closer

Helping people walk to and from green spaces and enjoy connected active travel  options were key considerations when the Combined Authority’s transport and infrastructure committee this week gave their support to ensure construction work starts as planned at Nene Parkway in January. Chaired by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson, the committee unanimously approved the Full Business […]

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March plans can move forward thanks to unanimous vote by Combined Authority transport group

Showing their wholehearted approval of the collaborative work under way to make life better for people in the Fenland market town of March, the Combined Authority’s transport group this week recommended the drawdown of £1.51 million to push plans on to detailed design. In the unanimous vote, members of the Transport & Infrastructure Committee noted […]

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Cambridge gets green ticket for zebras

Cambridge residents will soon start to see the benefits of 30 new zero emission buses to be rolled out across the city. The announcement was made by Chancellor Rishi Sunak as part of the Budget and Spending Review in Parliament yesterday (27 October). Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority and the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) received […]

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Launch of a new, on-demand bus service for the western part of Huntingdonshire

TING, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority’s new on-demand service, to support rural communities across the western part of Huntingdonshire, goes into operation today (25 October). The new ‘Uber’ style bus service, which is being operated in the area by Stagecoach East, is a great way to get about in West Huntingdonshire without having to rely […]

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Electric bike ride held to highlight landmark heating retrofit scheme ahead of COP26

An electric bike ride from Cambridge to Swaffham Prior to highlight a landmark retrofit scheme has taken place to mark the global climate change conference, COP26. The event organised by Cambridgeshire County Council and the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority saw riders saddle up in Cambridge yesterday (Thursday) before heading off to Swaffham Prior, nine […]

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Combined Authority Board is recommended to green light public engagement on region’s transport future

The Combined Authority Board will next week be recommended to approve launching an initial public engagement on a refreshed plan for the region’s transport future. Work is ongoing to revamp the Local Transport Plan, first adopted in 2020. The renamed Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) will aim to meet a range of challenges including on […]

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TING, it’s new people-friendly transport service for the western part of Huntingdonshire

TING, it’s the new people-friendly transport service for the western part of Huntingdonshire Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority have today (6 October) shared its plans for a new, more people-friendly transport service to support rural communities across the western part of Huntingdonshire. Dr Nik Johnson, Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, joined councillors and representatives from […]

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Extension to e-bike and e-scooter trials reinforce mayor’s active travel commitment.

Plans to extend electric scooter (e-scooter) and electric bike (e-bike) trials across Cambridge and Peterborough received the green light from members from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority board today (29 September). Recommendations to extend the ongoing e-scooter trial in Cambridge until March 2022, to continue learnings received approval, as did recommendations to expand the e-bike […]

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Combined Authority throws its weight behind Cambridge South

The Board of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority today threw its weight behind the development of Cambridge South rail station with a unanimous vote to allow Network Rail to hang on to savings made on planning to put toward future work. Development of the Cambridge South station remains on time and on budget, with a […]

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Mayor shares his delight and commitment to Active Travel after positive meeting with Department for Transport

After a successful meeting with the Transport Minister, Chris Heaton-Harris, the Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson, has reaffirmed his commitment to delivering effective Active Travel schemes in the region and including them within the development of the new Local Transport and Connectivity Plan to be released next year. It is important to […]

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Contractors uncover ‘hidden treasure’ during Combined Authority’s revamp of March rail station

Contractors carrying out improvements at March rail station have unearthed an ancient ticket ledger from when the station first opened over 130 years ago.  The ledger, dated April 1885, contains carefully hand-written entries of all the passenger luggage and parcels sent from the station, providing a unique record of daily life in the area in […]

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Revamped Local Transport Plan to consider improvement to digital infrastructure

A bold plan to bring together Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s transport and digital infrastructure, to provide for better connectivity in a clean and green refresh of the Local Transport Plan, has been approved. Making explicit the Combined Authority’s commitment to deliver truly integrated connectivity to all communities with a drive towards a net zero carbon future, […]

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22,889 journeys across two cities in 222 days, but where should we go next?

22,889 journeys across two cities in 222 days, but where should we go next? That’s the question being asked at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority after a paper to consider the next steps for the use of electric bikes (e-bikes) within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, was discussed at a meeting of the transport committee yesterday (8 […]

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A505 Royston to Granta Park Strategic Growth and Transport Study

Members of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority transport and infrastructure committee today heard how cooperation between the county council, the Greater Cambridge Partnership and the Combined Authority will be vital in taking the A505 Royston to Granta Park scheme to the next stage.  Members were briefed on the progress of the first stage of […]

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So far, Soham good for station opening in December

Network Rail has successfully completed a key milestone in the development of the new railway station for Soham which will pave the way for trains to start to call at the station from December 2021.   Over the August bank holiday weekend, the developing station at Soham was connected to the wider signalling network. This is […]

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Peterborough and March receive money from Combined Authority

Members of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Board backed the recommendation by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson that a £350,000 drawdown is given to further develop transformational plans for the Peterborough Railway Station Quarter. The drawdown, from the Transport Response Fund, is for the development of a Strategic Outline Business Case. Members were also asked […]

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Zebras take one step closer to becoming a reality in Cambridge

Zebras quietly moving around central Cambridge is certainly the ambition of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority as it delivered its business case for funding to support a new Zero Emission Buses Regional Area (ZEBRA) scheme for Cambridge to the Department for Transport (DfT) on 20 August.  Following an expression of interest to DfT earlier this year, the Combined Authority has been invited to submit a business case to support its bid for funds as part of the ZEBRA scheme for 2021-2022.  If successful, it will help fund 30 […]

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Mayor’s ‘Net Zero’ call to action puts the Bus into Business

Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Dr Nik Johnson, in collaboration with Cambridgeshire County Council and Cambridge City Council, this week steps up with a team of ‘carbon zero heroes’ to call on Cambridgeshire businesses to learn from each other how to work smarter in cutting their carbon output.   Joining a distinguished line-up of some of […]

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Mayoral Update on Active Travel Funding

Statement by Dr Nik Johnson, Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough   Following the announcement on Friday 30th July that stated further assurances were required from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority in relation to Active Travel schemes supported by government funding, I wrote to the Minister for Transport Chris Heaton-Harris expressing my support and commitment to active travel measures across the entire Cambridgeshire & Peterborough region.   I also […]

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Combined Authority statement on Funding for Active Travel

The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority and the Mayor were made aware of the letter from the Department for Transport about cycling and walking funding on Friday 30th July. We are fundamentally committed to cycling and walking, particularly in relation to the Mayor’s key principles of compassion, cooperation and community, and the huge benefits of […]

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Putting compassion, co-operation and community at the heart of reinvented transport strategy

Prioritising left behind communities, tackling inequalities and accelerating carbon reduction will form part of a renewed strategy for better transport across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. At its meeting on July 28, the Combined Authority Board agreed to proceed with a reinvention of the transport strategy in the region through a revamped Local Transport Plan (LTP). An […]

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We want bikes and a bypass, Hunts people tell A141 planners

Road safety, congestion, air quality, protection from rat-running and concerns about HGVs were all high on the agenda of people responding to the A141 Have Your Say survey run by the Combined Authority to gather public opinion on the transport options around Huntingdon. Clawing roadspace back from motor vehicles for cyclists and walkers also topped […]

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Combined Authority wins £2m for A10 dualling study

Bringing a safer, greener A10 a little closer, the Combined Authority’s transport and infrastructure committee today heard that central Government has agreed to fund a study into potentially dualling Cambridgeshire sections of the crucial but over-burdened road. The committee noted the Department for Transport’s decision to fund the Outline Business Case for A10 dualling and […]

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Statement following confirmation that Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority are one of six local authorities who have made it through to phase 2 of Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas (ZEBRA) scheme 2021-2022

Dr Nik Johnson, Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough said: “I’m delighted to be put through to the next round of this competition to win funds for up to 30 Zero Emission Buses for the region. “As the local transport authority, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority has a duty to tackled poor air quality and as […]

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East West Rail challenged on environment, economy, electrification and community impact in consultation reply

Electrification of the line from day one, more evidence on the preferred approach into Cambridge, more ambition on the environment, and minimising impacts on communities have formed part of the Combined Authority’s East West Rail (EWR) consultation response. The Combined Authority Board approved the response at its meeting on Wednesday (June 30). As part of […]

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Cambridge South station takes a step towards reality

Network Rail has submitted a Transport and Works Act order (TWAO) application to seek deemed planning permission to build the new station and associated infrastructure which will serve the southern fringe of Cambridge and the biomedical campus.  Following two rounds of consultation in 2020 to select the location of the station and seek views on […]

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Statement for the Mayor regarding bus services across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

The loss of the X5 bus service was a real blow for the residents of St Neots, so I was delighted when I had the opportunity earlier this week to meet with Stagecoach East to raise this as an issue along with other local transport challenges faced by residents and business across the region.  I welcome the changes to the Cambridgeshire timetables […]

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£1m improvements to A142 Lancaster Way roundabout at Ely finish on schedule

Highway improvement work to the A142 Lancaster Way roundabout finishes on schedule this week. The £1m scheme was reopened to traffic on Tuesday afternoon, following its 13 weeks delivery programme to the end of April. The improvement works, which started in February, have provided two-lane entries for the A142 approaches to the Lancaster Way roundabout […]

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New regional model to signpost transport projects across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough receives approval

At a board meeting of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority today (24 March), £750,000 was approved for the development of a new Regional Transport Model to assist with future investment within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough region. For the first time, it will be possible to assess transport projects across the whole of Cambridgeshire and […]

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Potential for Peterborough, Chatteris and Ramsey CAM extensions to be developed as part of project’s next steps

Realising CAM’s potential as a truly regionwide network, with flexibility to extend across the whole of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, is set to form a key part of the project’s next steps. Potential extensions to Peterborough, Chatteris and Ramsey will be worked on, alongside the CAM routes as currently proposed, in the project’s next business case […]

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Listen Now: Sustainable travel in March on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

Combined Authority investment to encourage cycling and walking in the Fenland market town of March took centre stage on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire’s mid-Morning show today when Mayor James Palmer joined presenter Amir Suleman to discuss plans for greener, safer travel. Listen in:

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Transport committee hail Network Rail partnership for Wisbech-Cambridge

Transport committee members hail Network Rail partnership to bring Wisbech-Cambridge rail nearer    James Palmer, Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, has secured a powerful new partnership with Network Rail which can push Wisbech rail plans forward on the back of work to free up the Ely rail bottleneck. Steve Barclay, Member of Parliament for North […]

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More Progress for A47 Upgrades as Transport Committee hear latest news

Mayor reveals upbeat talks with transport minister about A47 ‘Gateway to the East’ James Palmer, Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough informed members of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Transport and Infrastructure Committee that transport minister Baroness Vere had told him yesterday that the A47 “needed a solution”. Committee members heard how Highways England has […]

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Progress for transport upgrades for ARU Peterborough on Fengate

Fengate Phase 2 University Access Moves Forward for ARU Peterborough Plans to get ARU Peterborough up and running came closer today when the Transport and Infrastructure committee of the Combined Authority approved the Strategic Outline Business Case – SOBC – for Fengate Phase 2 University Access. Members were given a summary of the outcome of […]

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£60K confirmed for walkers and cyclists in March

Walkers and cyclists in March to benefit from £60k as delivery of  Quick Wins gathers pace It’s hoped that more people will take to active travel with today’s Transport & Infrastructure Committee recommending that Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority draw down £60k to help make walking and cycling around March easier, safer and more enjoyable. […]

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‘Smart savings’ on A141 to fund St Ives travel improvements

‘Smart savings’ on A141 business case can fund St Ives – with work starting this month         Good housekeeping and joined-up planning hallmark the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority’s proposal for the St Ives road network, with efficiency savings from one scheme’s Strategic Outline Business Case – SOBC – being used to fund another. Today’s […]

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Alternative Vehicle Fuel Strategy given the green light

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough take one step closer in the roll out of electric charging points across the region that will take into account the different requirements likely to be needed across city, market town and rural community locations to meet the growing demand. Today (10 March 2021), the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Transport Committee […]

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New faster bus service linking March and St Ives is set to provide a welcomed transport alternative for residents living in March, Wimblington, Chatteris and Warboys.

The long-awaited trial of the V2 (Villager 2) bus service linking March and St Ives, which is due to start on 1 March 2021, is the latest of Mayor James Palmer’s commitment to provide alternative ways to travel across Cambridgeshire without needing to use a car.  Operators Stagecoach, will provide four round trips during the day, linking March, Wimblington, Chatteris and Warboys to St […]

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New orbital bus service linking Serpentine Green, the Hamptons and the Ortons to the City Hospital is set to provide a welcomed alternative for Peterborough residents.

The new 12-month trial of Orbital Bus Service 29, which is due to start on 1 March 2021, is the latest of Mayor James Palmer’s commitments to provide alternative ways to travel across the city without using the car.  Operated by Stagecoach, the bus service, will run from Monday to Saturday between Serpentine Green, through the Hamptons and the Ortons then non-stop to Peterborough City Hospital. Six round trips will be provided each day between 9am and 3pm with hourly intervals.   Normal Stagecoach fares apply, including the acceptance of all bus passes.  Buses currently run from the Hamptons & the Ortons to Peterborough City Centre. There is also a frequent bus timetable from the […]

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Mayor joins new 8-car Fen Line train that doubles seats for Cambridge, Ely, Littleport and Waterbeach passengers

Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, James Palmer, today joined passengers between Cambridge and King’s Lynn at the launch of the new double-length service that will boost seats on Fen Line trains from this Sunday 13 December. The first all-stations eight-carriage train did a run from Cambridge to King’s Lynn and back to the delight of […]

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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to launch Electric bikes in Cambridge and Peterborough from January

From early January onwards, people in Cambridge and Peterborough city centres will be able to publicly hire electric bikes as they are rolled out by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority in collaboration with Voi Technology, the U.K.’s leading micro-mobility operator.   From the 12th of January 2021, the public will be able to enjoy greener and healthier journeys on e-bikes, while remaining […]

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Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority mastermind ‘Trojan Bus’ to help police catch bus vandals

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, led by Mayor James Palmer, worked with Stagecoach and Cambridgeshire police to bring about the arrests of people vandalising buses in Cambridge, by masterminding the idea of a ‘Trojan Bus’, a normal bus running not in service containing plain clothes police offers, able to draw up alongside people unnoticed.   After reports […]

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Ambitious CAM mission strategy wins backing of Combined Authority’s transport committee

A refreshed document setting out the bold strategic vision for the trailblazing Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro has passed a key stage for full adoption by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority. The CAM Sub-Strategy is one of the ‘daughter’ documents of the Mayoral Combined Authority’s adopted Local Transport Plan and describes the economic, social and environmental […]

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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority work with Voi to provide 24/7 free scooter rides to NHS staff and Emergency Service workers

All NHS staff and Emergency Service workers can now make Voi scooter journeys in Cambridge, free of charge, 24/7 hours a day during the period of new national restrictions, set to be in place until 2nd December 2020. The Combined Authority, led by Mayor James Palmer, is also expanding the e-scooter operational zone in Cambridge to […]

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Peterborough road users get say on Combined Authority-funded plans for greener, safer city junctions

Peterborough residents and road users can now give their opinion on Combined Authority-funded plans to improve two major Peterborough city chokepoints, freeing up access for cyclists and pedestrians, and easing traffic jams and delays. Headed by Mayor James Palmer, the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority,  has given Peterborough City Council funding to prepare a Full […]

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Mayor seeks ‘people-centred’ and integrated Cambridge South hub as Network Rail launches consultation 2nd round

As the new Cambridge South station comes closer with today’s launch of the second round of public consultation, Mayor James Palmer has welcomed Network Rail’s stepped-up delivery date while issuing strong warnings on service provision. Mayor Palmer, who leads Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, a major funder of the new station, has always insisted that […]

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Fenland station car park plan wins resounding approval

Plans for a new car park at Manea railway station have been approved by Fenland District Council and design work is now forging ahead with an eye to completion in November.   Proposals for the much-needed project were agreed unanimously by Fenland’s planning committee. The car park, in Fodder Fen Road, will have spaces for around 100 cars, and will be just north of the station. It is one of a […]

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Round 2 consultation brings Cambridge South station nearer

The much-needed Cambridge South station has taken another step forward as Network Rail says it will launch the second round of public consultation in October. Following June’s announcement of the preferred site, the latest phase of the consultation is scheduled to start on 19 October, welcoming people’s views on the next stages of the railway […]

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New bus service linking Bedford to Cambridge through Cambourne carried over a thousand passengers in first two weeks of operation

The new 905 bus service commissioned by Mayor James Palmer, which provides a long needed public transport option to those commuting between Cambourne and Cambridge Science Park, has carried over a thousand passengers in its first two weeks of operation. Almost half of these boarding’s (475) were in Cambourne, demonstrating why it was important for […]

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Mayor wins back ‘lifeline’ Fen services after train chiefs cave in

In a surprise U-turn following a meeting with Mayor James Palmer, train operator CrossCountry has announced it is reinstating the stops at Manea and Whittlesea stations which it axed last week. The Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough met company bosses on Friday to denounce the cuts CrossCountry had made on the Peterborough-Cambridge line – cuts which had a devastating impact on children and commuters struggling in the face of Covid to return to classroom and workplace.    Mayor Palmer was […]

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