Area Category: Peterborough

Innovative trial proposal to improve fens roads
A trial project aimed at tackling long-standing problems of maintaining roads which run over fenland soils has been backed. The Fen Roads Trial, proposed by Cambridgeshire County Council, has so far been supported by both the Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee, and the Investment Committee. The £1.5 million trial proposes to test innovative solutions […]
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Transport Secretary’s Peterborough visit to announce bus ‘revolution’
Transport Secretary Louise Haigh was joined by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson and leaders in Peterborough yesterday (September 9) where she announced sweeping changes to put bus powers back in the hands of local leaders. The Government’s national bus reforms aim to grow passenger numbers, reduce patchy services and bring better quality bus services for all. […]
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ARU Peterborough’s £32 million ‘The Lab’ completes construction
Construction of ARU Peterborough’s new £32 million Lab building, which incorporates a Living Lab to be used by the community as well as students, has been completed. The Lab, which is situated adjacent to the existing University House building on Bishop’s Road in the city, will support students and apprentices studying mainly in STEM (science, […]
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Bespoke Skills Bootcamp gets new employees up to speed
The Combined Authority has worked with Anglian Water’s @one Alliance and ARU Peterborough, the city’s new university, to set up an innovative Skills Bootcamp for new employees to quickly gain the skills they need for their roles. When Anglian Water’s @one Alliance recently recruited 17 employees, it wanted to provide them with an initial 12-week […]
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Praise for Peterborough’s first AI Summit
ARU Peterborough played host to the city’s first ever AI Summit which explored the burgeoning technology’s impact on business, careers and people’s lives. From tools like ChatGPT to Bing AI, to the chatbots people interact with daily, the march of AI in people’s everyday lives continues. Supported by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, there […]
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AI Summit to make Peterborough debut, helping people and businesses stay ahead
The AI summit organisers have held successful events in Norwich, pictured. Peterborough’s first public AI summit will explore how the rapidly advancing technology is changing both businesses and our lives. Supported by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority and Anglia Ruskin University, the event will be held at the city’s new university, ARU Peterborough, on […]
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From QI to ARU Peterborough: Sandi Toksvig opens cutting edge centre
Broadcaster delivers inspiring guest lecture during her visit to ARU Peterborough XRP eXtended Reality Peterborough has been officially opened by writer and broadcaster Sandi Toksvig OBE. The new facilities at ARU Peterborough, which combine elements of the virtual and the real world to create an immersive educational experience, have been opened thanks to £5.7 million […]
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Proposals for green energy innovation centre at ARU Peterborough presented at Parliamentary event
An early-stage proposal to create a new research and development institute for sustainable energy at the city’s new university, ARU Peterborough, was launched at a Parliamentary reception in the House of Commons yesterday (Monday, March 18). Outline plans for The Global Innovation Centre for Energy Transition were presented by TWI, the Granta Park-based engineering consultancy […]
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Outline Business Case approved for Peterborough Station Quarter
Proposals to transform Peterborough Train Station – known as Station Quarter – have received outline business case approval by government. A collaboration of private and public sector bodies, including the City Council, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, Network Rail and London North Eastern Railway, put together the outline business case which was submitted in December […]
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National Careers Week: Dan proves it’s never too late to reinvent your career
During National Careers Week the Combined Authority is looking at inspiring stories and sharing ways you can advance or change your career. 43-year-old Dan Arrowsmith from Peterborough had his academic ambitions dampened when he left school without any GCSEs and was told he should look for a vocational trade. Struggling with his dyslexia, Dan spent […]
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Partners celebrate high point for hundreds of new homes
Work to regenerate a central area of Peterborough moved forward this week with a topping out ceremony at the Indigo development of 315 Combined Authority-funded homes at Northminster, in the heart of the city. Deputy Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Cllr Anna Smith, joined the developer Cross Keys Homes to celebrate ‘topping out’ – the […]
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School Streets initiative nominated for important award
A successful active travel scheme funded through the Combined Authority and helping to keep Peterborough children safe on their way to school has been nominated for an important national award. Peterborough City Council’s School Streets initiative has been shortlisted for a Community Involvement accolade in this year’s Local Government Chronicle awards, with winners announced in […]
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Peterborough Station Quarter partnership praised as project speeds ahead
In a unanimous vote, members of the Combined Authority’s transport and infrastructure committee showed their support for the ambitious project to transform Peterborough Station Quarter into a welcoming gateway to the city and to the whole east of England and beyond. Subject to the Government’s Department for Transport agreeing the Outline Business Case – submitted […]
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Celebrations raise the roof at ARU Peterborough’s newest building
Another high point in the rapid development of the ARU Peterborough university campus was marked with a ‘topping out’ ceremony of the second teaching building incorporating the ‘Living Lab’ public science and technology space. On Tuesday (January 16) representatives of the three project partners, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, Peterborough City Council and Anglia Ruskin […]
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Mayor visits Peterborough regeneration with city council leader
Peterborough City Council leader Mohammed Farooq has hosted the Mayor of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson, on a city centre walkabout. Councillor Farooq, who took over as leader in November, has been working closely with the Combined Authority and took the Mayor on a tour of key regeneration sites where Combined Authority funding […]
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Peterborough public asked to comment on planned new Thorpe Cycleway
Peterborough City Council is inviting locals to have their say on a new cycleway along Thorpe Wood and a section of Thorpe Road which aims to encourage active travel between Bretton and Longthorpe. Funded with around £3 million from the Combined Authority’s successful bid to Active Travel England – the Government’s body to promote and […]
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Peterborough’s new university recognised as ARU scoops social mobility award
Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) was awarded the University of the Year title at last night’s prestigious UK Social Mobility Awards, in recognition of the role ARU Peterborough is playing in advancing social mobility across the city and the wider region. The UK Social Mobility Awards, known as the SOMOs, are organised by the charity Making […]
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Start of works on XR Centre of Excellence at ARU Peterborough
Image: Igloo Vision Work has started on XRP eXtended Reality Peterborough, a new Centre of Excellence on the ground floor of the Peterborough Innovation and Research Centre at the ARU Peterborough campus, which will deliver cutting-edge teaching and training facilities for both ARU Peterborough students and local employers. Last December it was announced that ARU […]
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Hop on board Multiply bus to learn about courses to improve number skills
People are being encouraged find out more about free maths courses on board a specially adapted bus when it stops in Cambridge and Peterborough. Multiply is a £4 million initiative run by the Combined Authority helping to improve people’s maths skills and number confidence. People are already benefitting from support for things like budgeting and […]
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ARU Peterborough shortlisted for prestigious architecture award
Picture credit: Richard Fraser Photography richardfraserphotography.co.uk University House, the first phase of ARU Peterborough, has been shortlisted for the prestigious AJ Architecture Awards 2023, aimed at “celebrating and rewarding design excellence in UK architecture”. The annual awards, organised by the Architects’ Journal, sees ARU Peterborough feature in an eight-strong Higher Education category alongside entries from Jesus […]
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ARU Peterborough receives Higher Education award
Picture credit: Richard Fraser Photography richardfraserphotography.co.uk University Alliance recognises city’s new university for its successful collaboration ARU Peterborough has won an award for successful collaboration at the 2023 University Alliance Awards. The city’s new university, which is a partnership of Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, and Peterborough City Council, opened its doors […]
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Name for Peterborough’s planned footbridge chosen following public feedback
Plans for a new pedestrian bridge in Peterborough linking the Embankment with Fletton Quays gain shape following a public engagement which has resulted in an official name for the structure being chosen. Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority has put in £3.4million with £2million ringfenced for the project also pledged by the Government’s Towns Fund – […]
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Businesses to benefit from changes to the 37 bus route
Following feedback from local businesses that many workers were arriving to work late due to the 37 bus timings, the Combined Authority has worked with Stagecoach East to change the timetabling of the bus to arrive at Peterborough’s Queensgate 15 minutes earlier, enabling workers to get to work on time. The move came after Councillor […]
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ARU shortlisted for national prize thanks to new Peterborough university
Photo by Richard Fraser: www.richardfraserphotography.co.uk Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) has been shortlisted for the University of the Year prize at the prestigious UK Social Mobility Awards, thanks to the role ARU Peterborough, a major Combined Authority project, is playing in advancing social mobility in both the city and the wider region. The UK Social Mobility Awards, […]
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Combined Authority tendering for mini-bus as temporary replacement for 36 bus service
Following the withdrawal of the 36 bus route, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority is going out to tender for a mini-bus to run between Eye and Thorney. The mini-bus is expected to be a temporary measure as a longer-term solution is found with operators. Mayor Nik Johnson said: “We are going out to tender […]
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Mayor Dr Nik Johnson statement: Route 36 Bus Service
The below is a statement by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson on the future of the Route 36 bus service and the work being done to mitigate the impact of the changes: Mayor Dr Nik Johnson said: “Ever since Stagecoach made the Combined Authority aware on 18th May 2023 that they were making changes to their Peterborough […]
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Work starts to beat traffic jams at key Peterborough junction and free City growth
Important improvements to a crucial junction on one of Peterborough’s most congested parkways starts this month as part of a major project funded by the Combined Authority to boost capacity at the busy intersection. Following preliminary work to make walking and cycling routes near the junction safer and better, core construction at Junction 3 of […]
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Celebration for start of building works for second teaching building with ‘Living Lab’ at ARU Peterborough
A ceremonial spade was dug into the ground to mark the start of works to build a second teaching building incorporating a ‘Living Lab’ science facility at ARU Peterborough, the city’s new university. On Wednesday (June 21) representatives from the partners developing the university, the Combined Authority, Peterborough City Council and Anglia Ruskin University, were […]
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Active Travel wows Transport Committee with Living Streets and Love to Ride
Meeting in national Better Transport Week, the Combined Authority’s transport committee put its weight behind getting more active travel on the streets of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Chaired by Deputy Mayor Cllr Anna Smith, the Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee today unanimously voted to recommend that the Board of the Combined Authority approves the drawdown […]
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Green Nene: Have your say on walking and wheeling bridge
Peterborough residents and visitors are being invited by Peterborough City Council to share their views on the proposed walking and wheeling bridge across the river at Fletton Quays. The active travel crossing over the Nene will be for non-motor vehicles. It will offer a safer and greener alternative to the busy main road for pedestrians, […]
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Wifi in a Jiffy: New stickers in market towns show free Wifi zones
Thanks to funding from the Combined Authority, free public access CambWifi continues to expand across Cambridgeshire’s market towns, ramping up digital inclusion and helping everyone to get connected. In a campaign to remind locals and inform visitors that they can get online for free while on the go, eye-catching new stickers show Wifi areas in […]
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Peterborough students get a taste of construction careers at city’s new university
ARU Peterborough, the city’s new university, hosted 75 Year 12 students from seven local schools for some hands-on activities designed to change perceptions about a career in the construction industry. Construction company Morgan Sindall Construction organised an interschool competition, supported by ARU Peterborough and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Careers Hub which is delivered by Growth […]
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New A1260 footbridge completed and ready for active travel
A brand new footbridge was completed this week, one part of a multi-million pound scheme to reduce congestion and offer improved routes for active travellers trying to negotiate one of Peterborough’s busiest traffic bottlenecks. Opening to the public on March 27th, the replacement footbridge over the A1260 Nene Parkway in Longthorpe is one part of […]
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Combined Authority Board agrees to enter into option agreement to acquire a potential site for the Peterborough bus depot
The Combined Authority Board has agreed to enter into an option agreement to secure the contractual ability to acquire a site in Peterborough with potential to serve as a bus depot. The Combined Authority will now continue to work with Peterborough City Council to identify and deliver a new depot facility. This comes after the […]
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Win-Win for Peterborough as Fengate savings put A1260 Jct 3 on the road
Members of the Combined Authority board have unanimously approved a proposal to put an underspend of £3,441,880 from Peterborough’s Fengate Access Study budget towards building the city’s A1260 Junction 32/3 project. The Board’s decision gives the go-ahead for contracts to be signed and the use of the Transforming Cities Fund allocation for construction of the […]
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Green flag and £5m building blocks for Peterborough Station Quarter
Plans for improving Peterborough Station Quarter got fresh impetus today when members of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Board voted to accept almost £48 million from the Government for the development – and approved its release to Peterborough City Council in phased £5m blocks. Subject to the Department for Transport giving approval of the Station […]
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Turning Point beats targets in innovative skills and jobs support scheme across Fenland and Peterborough
A scheme to help those in Peterborough and Fenland into good jobs or training at key periods of change in their lives has exceeded its targets for the number of people helped. The Combined Authority bid successfully for Community Renewal Fund money from Government to deliver Turning Point – a project aimed at helping people […]
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Dr Nik Johnson begins phased return to Mayoral work
Dr Nik Johnson has begun a phased return to work as Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough following a three month leave of absence to receive medical treatment. The Mayor, who formally returned on Monday 6th March, will be following his doctor’s advice and returning to his role gradually as he continues his recovery. Mayor […]
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Peterborough ‘Shared Prosperity Fund’ projects revealed
A youth zone and community art initiative are among the exciting enterprises earmarked for Peterborough as part of a multi-million scheme to boost communities and drive growth. Last year the government announced that the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority area would receive £9,872,624 in funding from The UK Shared Prosperity Fund – of which £2,525,417 […]
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Combined Authority gives Fengate £6m go-ahead
In a unanimous vote to help Peterborough achieve its growth ambitions, the Combined Authority Board has approved £6,665,696 to translate the Fengate Access Study Improvement Schemes from planning into construction. Members noted the completed Fengate Phase 1 Full Business Case and voted unanimously push the transformational Fengate scheme from the necessary paper stage of planning […]
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Combined Authority backs Peterborough growth with over £9m for A1260
In a unanimous vote, the Board of the Combined Authority has agreed over £9 million to push ahead the A1260 Junction 32/3 upgrade. The approval brings construction of the crucial Peterborough road scheme a step nearer. Gateway to south-west Peterborough, Junction 3 intersects two of the city’s strategic roads, serving eastbound, westbound, and northbound traffic. […]
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Combined Authority receives £4million for Peterborough bus depot relocation
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority has been successful in a bid for £4million for the purpose of relocating the Peterborough bus depot from Lincoln Road. A number of potential sites are now being considered for the relocation, and the Combined Authority will be working closely with Peterborough City Council to drive the project forward. The […]
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£48 million in funding to transform Peterborough’s Station Quarter approved by Government
A total of £48million is on its way to Peterborough, following a successful Levelling Up Fund bid for the first phase of regeneration of the area around Peterborough Train Station – known as Station Quarter. Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority received the official confirmation from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing […]
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New Process for Bus Passes in Peterborough launches on February 1st
From February 1st, the way in which bus passes in Peterborough are issued will be changing. The Combined Authority is responsible for issuing bus passes, and now the process can easily be completed online. Peterborough residents needing to apply for, replace or renew a bus pass can go to www.thebuspass.com and select “how do I […]
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Fengate gets £6m+ go-ahead from influential Combined Authority committee
In the latest move towards helping Peterborough fulfil its aspirations for growth, at today’s meeting of the Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee, members voted to recommend that the Board approve drawdown of £6,665,696 to heft the Fengate Access Study Improvement Schemes from paper to construction. Members welcomed the completed Fengate Phase 1 Full Business […]
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Planning permission secured for second teaching building featuring ‘Living Lab’ at Peterborough’s new university
Plans for a second teaching building at Peterborough’s new university, which will incorporate a ‘Living Lab’ public science centre, have been approved. On Tuesday (December 13) Peterborough City Council’s Planning Committee approved the third phase of the ARU Peterborough university campus on the north of the Embankment site, off Bishop’s Road. The new development will […]
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Combined Authority Committee approves funding for affordable homes projects
At the Housing & Communities Committee meeting on 14 November 2022, a recommendation that funds of £1,656,000 be used to support existing housing projects in Fenland, Huntingdonshire and Peterborough was unanimously approved. Heylo, who offer part buy – part rent opportunities across England, will work with housing developers to provide an additional 46 affordable 2-3 […]
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Combined Authority pushes forward A16 Norwood improvement
The Combined Authority’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee today voted to recommend Board members to approve the Outline Business Case for the A16 Norwood Improvement Project and push ahead towards the next phase. The Committee also voted to keep up the project’s momentum, moving forward plans for dualling the A16 Norwood by recommending the Combined Authority […]
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Free Wifi goes live in Peterborough city centre
Free public access CambWifi is now live in Peterborough city centre streets and open spaces to support businesses, keep residents connected and allow shoppers and visitors to make the most of café culture. Thanks to funding from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, the secure public access network has been installed through the Connecting Cambridgeshire programme […]
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The names of bus operators and new timetables for the services withdrawn by Stagecoach East from October 30 can now be released. On September 20, Stagecoach East announced they were pulling out of 18 bus services completely and reducing a further 5 significantly. The Combined Authority went out to urgent tender the following day with […]
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At the Combined Authority Board meeting on the 19th October 2022, it was unanimously agreed that a further £100,000 of funding would be made available to support community-led housing initiatives across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Community-led housing involves local people playing a leading and lasting role in solving housing problems, creating genuinely affordable homes and strong communities. […]
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In a move set to speed up the delivery of better and safer facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, members of the Combined Authority Board today voted to release over £550k to push through active travel projects within Peterborough’s Fengate development scheme. After an update on the progress of Fengate Phase 1 Full Business Case, members […]
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Members of the Combined Authority Board today approved the drawdown of £635,000 of Active Travel Capital Funding Grant allocated by the Department for Transport for two schemes in Peterborough. There is £625,000 for Thorpe Wood Cycleway and £10,000 for School Streets. Thorpe Wood Cycleway and School Streets both seek to encourage active travel by providing […]
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The Board of the Combined Authority has voted to bring forward funding of two key active travel projects on one of Peterborough’s busiest strategic roads by approving the drawdown of £518,988. In the A1260 Junction 32/3 scheme, the Combined Authority and Peterborough City Council have been considering opportunities to accelerate delivery as the project is […]
Find out moreDetails released of bus operators and timetables for withdrawn Stagecoach routes from October 30
The names of bus operators and new timetables for the services withdrawn by Stagecoach East from October 30 can now be released. On September 20, Stagecoach East announced they were pulling out of 18 bus services completely and reducing a further 5 significantly. The Combined Authority went out to urgent tender the following day with […]
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Fengate on safer and healthier route as active travel gets green light
In a move set to speed up the delivery of better and safer facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, members of the Combined Authority Board today voted to release over £550k to push through active travel projects within Peterborough’s Fengate development scheme. After an update on the progress of Fengate Phase 1 Full Business Case, members […]
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Peterborough gets two awards of funding for Active Travel
Members of the Combined Authority Board today approved the drawdown of £635,000 of Active Travel Capital Funding Grant allocated by the Department for Transport for two schemes in Peterborough. There is £625,000 for Thorpe Wood Cycleway and £10,000 for School Streets. Thorpe Wood Cycleway and School Streets both seek to encourage active travel by providing […]
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Jump start to get active travel on the road in Peterborough’s Jct 3
The Board of the Combined Authority has voted to bring forward funding of two key active travel projects on one of Peterborough’s busiest strategic roads by approving the drawdown of £518,988. In the A1260 Junction 32/3 scheme, the Combined Authority and Peterborough City Council have been considering opportunities to accelerate delivery as the project is […]
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Combined Authority Clears Way for Removal of King’s Dyke Level Crossing
The Combined Authority Board has agreed £1million of subject-to-approval funding from the Medium-Term Financial Plan for the eagerly-awaited closure and removal of the Kings Dyke level crossing. The MTFP has a subject to approval amount of £2.1m for Kings Dyke level crossing closure and the drawdown will be spent in the current financial year. A […]
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E-scooters and E-bikes
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Plans put in for second teaching building featuring the ‘Living Lab’ at Peterborough’s new university
Plans have been put in for a second teaching building featuring a ‘Living Lab’ public science centre at Peterborough’s new university. The planning application, submitted to Peterborough City Council, is for the third phase of the ARU Peterborough university campus on the north of the Embankment site, off Bishop’s Road. The second teaching building is […]
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Fengate Phase 2: University Access
The Combined Authority is working with our partners at Peterborough City Council to ensure that the road network around the site of the new University will withstand the increase in traffic of all kinds.
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The Fengate area of Peterborough is growing rapidly, and work is needed to ease existing traffic and create capacity for more commuter, public transport and general road use.
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Peterborough residents, visitors, and green tourists alike are set to benefit from a big package of active travel funding awarded today by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Board for the Peterborough Green Wheel and a Fletton Quays footbridge.
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Over £1.3 million was awarded to Natural Cambridgeshire and partners for measures that will enable the acceleration and delivery of sustainable nature projects across our nature depleted county.
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Business Growth Service
The Business Growth Service is a key intervention designed to accelerate start-ups, scale-ups & set-ups.
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Cambridge COP
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Community Day celebrates completion of first teaching building at Peterborough’s new university
A fun-filled Community Day with hands-on family activities and tours marked the completion of construction work to allow Peterborough’s new university to open to students in September. Around 2,000 people were welcomed to ARU Peterborough, on the Embankment site off Bishop’s Road, to find out more about what the new university will bring to the […]
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Combined Authority’s £48m ‘Levelling Up’ bid to Government for Peterborough Station Quarter
A Levelling Up Fund bid for around £48million for the first phase of redevelopment of the area around Peterborough Train Station – known as the Station Quarter – was submitted by the Combined Authority to the Government this week. Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority collaborated on the bid for the Peterborough […]
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Consultation on plans for second teaching building and public science centre at Peterborough’s new university
A consultation on plans for a second teaching building featuring a ‘Living Lab’ public science centre at Peterborough’s new university begins next week. The proposed development would form a third phase at the ARU Peterborough university campus, which is being built on the north of the Embankment site, off Bishop’s Road. People will be able […]
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Green light for Peterborough bus depot evaluation paper
In the latest Transport and Infrastructure Committee meeting, on 13th July, there was unanimous agreement to release £40,000 for an evaluation paper looking at the key requirements for the relocation of the Peterborough bus depot. The current Lincoln Road bus depot in Peterborough is approximately 100 years old. It is surrounded on three sides by […]
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Mayor and Connecting Cambridgeshire welcome Openreach investment and news that 17 areas will benefit from full fibre
Over 100,000 more homes and businesses across Cambridgeshire are set to benefit from a major broadband boost thanks to a £30m1 investment by Openreach – the UK’s largest digital network provider, used by the likes of BT, Sky, TalkTalk, Vodafone and Zen. When this new engineering work is finished, most people living and working in Cambridge, […]
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Minister visits the new ARU Peterborough campus
Higher and Further Education Minister praises degree apprenticeships on offer. The Minister for Higher and Further Education, the Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MP, visited ARU Peterborough yesterday to see first-hand the impressive progress the new university has made. The Minister formally announced Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) as the highest education partner for the city’s new […]
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Peterborough bus lane set to reopen
On Tuesday 3 May, the East side bus lane at Queensgate Shopping Centre will reopen. In March 2020, bays 10a to 20 were relocated to the temporary location of Acland Street to allow for construction access relating to Queensgate’s £60m cinema and leisure extension. From Tuesday 3 May, bus services, 4, 6, Busway B, 23, […]
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Keep pedalling! E-scooter trial extension recommended for Cambridge and Peterborough
Voi e-scooters have been recommended for approval by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Transport and Infrastructure Committee (14th March) to keep operating in Cambridge until November 30th, at its Board meeting (30th March). The scheme was expected to come to an end in March 2022, however, the Department for Transport (DfT) has requested commissioning authorities to […]
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Mace appointed to develop phase 3 of Peterborough’s new university
International consultancy and construction company, Mace, along with its multidisciplinary team has been appointed to design and develop a second teaching building incorporating a ‘Living Lab’ public science centre at Peterborough’s new university. The development forms the £28 million third phase of ARU Peterborough. A tender exercise by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority has […]
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Voi e-bikes back on the streets of Peterborough
Relaunched with 40 e-bikes available to rent and continuing as a 24 hour, 7-day week service Upgraded e-bike security features and staff on the ground monitoring the service closely The scheme saved an estimated 3 tonnes of C02 and helped people get around town with 10,000 rides Voi is giving away 50% off Daily Passes […]
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Six affordable housing schemes to lay foundations before end of March
The Housing and Communities Committee heard today (Wednesday 9th March) that six affordable housing schemes are to officially start on site before the 31st March 2022. Under the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Affordable Housing programme, the six sites will host a combined total of 595 homes. The homes will be provided through a mixture […]
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Fenland and Peterborough at the front of the queue …
Statement by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson Arts and cultural organisations in Fenland and Peterborough have been given places at the front of the queue to bid for a share of £75 million the Government is tabling to move forward its plans to level up culture. Last week, I met the Arts Minister and told him […]
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Construction of new university for Peterborough reaches highest point
A ceremonial Topping Out event has marked construction of ARU Peterborough, the city’s new multi-million university, reaching its highest point. The new university is being driven forward by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, in collaboration with Peterborough City Council and Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). The celebration, attended by local press and key members of the […]
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Board backing for ARU Peterborough ‘Living Lab’ public science centre and second teaching building
Plans to build a second teaching building and interactive public science centre at Peterborough’s new university have moved forward. The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Board approved the full business case for the third phase of ARU Peterborough when it met last week. The phase will feature the Living Lab – a publicly accessible science […]
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£150k to take Fengate business case over the line
Members of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority transport and infrastructure committee today agreed to help move forward the Fengate Phase 1 project to the next level. They voted to recommend that the Combined Authority Board approve the drawdown of £150,000 to complete the Full Business Case and take the project to the end of the […]
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Ground-breaking ceremony held at site of new affordable homes
A ground-breaking ceremony has taken place at British Sugar’s former headquarters off Oundle Road, Peterborough, where works will begin in the near future to build 74 new affordable homes for Cross Keys Homes. The £14million scheme, which has received grant funding from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, will provide 45 affordable rented and 29 shared […]
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Partners gather as 96 new homes get underway
Cross Keys Homes (CKH) met with their development partners Vistry Partnerships and dignitaries from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and Peterborough City Council this week to celebrate the start of development works on the former Perkins Sports Association land. The leading housing association acquired the land back in 2014 and earlier this year received planning […]
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Voi places ‘golden ticket’ scooters to support inclusive cycling charity, Cycling Projects this Christmas
Voi launches golden ticket Christmas campaign in Cambridge to support Cycling Projects charity, encouraging active travel for all. The campaign will also be launched in 8 other towns and cities across the UK where Voi operates. Users encouraged to seek out ‘golden wrapped’ e-scooters to automatically unlock a donation. Voi employees to offer voluntary services […]
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Inspired Bishop Creighton Academy pupils bury time capsule at ARU Peterborough construction site
Pupils at Bishop Creighton Academy helped bury a time capsule at the construction site of the new ARU Peterborough university, sealing in memories for future generations to uncover. The burial on Friday (November 26) was also marked with a visit from Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Dr Nik Johnson, leader of Peterborough City Council Cllr […]
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New Year start to A1260 Parkway construction, thanks to Combined Authority
At today’s meeting of the Combined Authority Board, members approved the Full Business Case for Peterborough’s A1260 Nene Parkway Junction 15 – and signed off millions of pounds to get construction on the project started. Members approved the forecast construction cost of £8.014m, including re-profiling the project budget to ensure work can go ahead. Wildflowers, […]
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Great leap forward for walking and cycling as Combined Authority Board signs over long-awaited Government cash
Following the Combined Authority’s successful bid for half a million pounds in Government funding for ‘active travel’, today’s meeting of the Combined Authority Board unanimously approved release of the grant to Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council. Chairing the Board, the Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson, asked members to release the […]
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Work starts to build ARU Peterborough phase 2 research and development centre
Construction has started on a research and development centre at ARU Peterborough, which will form a second phase of the city’s developing new university. The key milestone was marked with a visit from Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Dr Nik Johnson, Leader of Peterborough City Council Cllr Wayne Fitzgerald, ARU Peterborough Principal Professor Ross Renton, […]
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Chancellor Rishi Sunak visits ARU Peterborough site
Rishi Sunak visited the construction site of the ARU Peterborough university campus in the city on Thursday (November 18) to see how £20 million of government investment will support its development. The new university campus, based at the Embankment, will help boost Peterborough’s economic recovery, and help develop the skills needed for the future. ARU […]
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Green Clean Nene – Combined Authority brings A1260 Parkway Junction 15 a step closer
Helping people walk to and from green spaces and enjoy connected active travel options were key considerations when the Combined Authority’s transport and infrastructure committee this week gave their support to ensure construction work starts as planned at Nene Parkway in January. Chaired by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson, the committee unanimously approved the Full Business […]
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Housing committee approve substitution for 36 affordable homes with £1,438,000 grant funding
The Housing and Communities Committee of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority has today (3 November 2021), approved a £1,438,000 grant to substitute and reuse funding for the development of 36 affordable homes in Peterborough. Approval of the grant will see the building of an additional 10 affordable flats, and 26 affordable homes for shared ownership […]
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Have your say on plans to improve Peterborough’s A16 Norwood
A public consultation was launched today (Monday, 1 November) which invites Peterborough residents and road users to have their say on plans to improve the A16 Norwood and A16/A47/Welland roundabout. The six-week consultation asks people to complete a survey with their views on plans to improve this stretch of road, which suffers from significant congestion and delays during peak hours. The road scheme is […]
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£20 million government funding boost for city
Successful university Levelling Up bid will improve skills and increase opportunities in Peterborough A joint bid, submitted by Peterborough City Council, will receive £20million from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund, providing a huge boost to the development of ARU Peterborough, a project that will improve skills and opportunities in a city known as a higher […]
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Relaunch of pilot scheme to train more than 1,300 people for health and care jobs
Mayor Dr Nik Johnson visited City College Peterborough to relaunch a pilot project aiming to give more than 1,350 people skills to start or advance careers in the health and care sector. The Health and Care Sector Work Academy (HCSWA) is a pilot project developed by City College Peterborough and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined […]
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We’re Talking Peterborough Embankment – public survey launched
Peterborough residents and businesses are being asked to take part in a survey which will guide the future of the Embankment and Middleholme next to the River Nene. “We’re Talking Peterborough Embankment” launched this week and will last until 31st October. It will ask local people how they use the Embankment, what they like about […]
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Extension to e-bike and e-scooter trials reinforce mayor’s active travel commitment.
Plans to extend electric scooter (e-scooter) and electric bike (e-bike) trials across Cambridge and Peterborough received the green light from members from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority board today (29 September). Recommendations to extend the ongoing e-scooter trial in Cambridge until March 2022, to continue learnings received approval, as did recommendations to expand the e-bike […]
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WATCH: Business Board’s Al Kingsley sees how relocated Chatteris aerospace company is taking flight
Member of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Business Board Al Kingsley took a tour of recently relocated aerospace parts manufacturer Aerotron Composites’ new Chatteris premises and heard about its plans for growth. Aerotron Composites was supported to grow its new facility in Chatteris with a £2 million Local Growth Fund grant through the Business […]
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Outline planning application process starts to provide vision for transformative new University Quarter for Peterborough
A process to gain outline planning consent for an attractive new University Quarter at the north of the Embankment site in Peterborough has started. The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, in collaboration with ARU Peterborough, the new university for the city, are seeking the consent to provide a planning framework to guide development of future […]
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